In Petit-Quevilly, Talentis opens its doors

One more. The Rouen Métropole CCI inaugurated its new real estate program on June 18. Named Talentis, the building is located in Petit-Quevilly in the Elisa Lemonnier business park. An attractive location for businesses… “The site is ideally located, close to the South 3 and the A13 motorway, welcomes Olivier Rousseille, president of the CCI Rouen Métropole. It is also very well served by the public transport network, notably the Georges Bracq – Boulingrin metro line.

For several years now, the CCI has wanted to invest in real estate in order to provide a wider range of offices and workshops. “Companies often tell us about their difficulty in finding a new rental offer that meets their needs, continues Olivier Rousseille. There is not enough suitable land, there is a lack of business premises and workshops. »

€2.7 million investment

With six platforms from 139 to 309 m² and four workshops from 155 to 178 m², Talentis wants to respond on its scale. With a total surface area of ​​1,965 m², and having required an investment of €2.7 million excluding tax, the building completes an already rich portfolio in the metropolis. Le Vauban and L’Opensen (Luciline district in Rouen), Innovapôle 76 in Madrillet, the Parc des Compétences de Cléon, or the Plaine de la Ronce in Isneauville… And soon Talentis Pavilly, a program similar to that of Petit-Quevilly, including the inauguration is planned for September.

From left. to the right. : Olivier Varenne (architect of the EAI agency), Olivier Rousseille (president of the CCI Rouen Métropole) Clément Lefebvre (municipal councilor of Petit Quevilly) and Frédéric Cousin (general director of the CCI Rouen Métropole). (© Aletheia Press / B.Delabre)

This offer also goes beyond the borders of the Rouen metropolis, with a business center in Dieppe. A project is also being studied near Yvetot station, on the site of the former mustard factory. It could see the light of day within four to five years. “As a public establishment, it is our prerogative to take risks by starting the construction of a building without any guaranteed client, explains Frédéric Cousin, director general of the consular body. This is a risk that a private investor cannot take.”

Already 63% occupancy rate

The risk is, however, measured. The demand is there. Indeed, while the marketing of the lots to rent only began in December, barely three months before the completion of the works, Talentis already has an occupancy rate of 63%. And the four workshops, in particular, are already rented. “We had set ourselves a target of 50% by the end of the first year »breathes Frédéric Cousin.

Good news for the CCI, but also and above all for territorial dynamics. “We believe that urban development must be carried out in a balance between economic activity, public facilities and residential areas, welcomes Clément Lefebvre, municipal councilor in Petit-Quevilly. This Talentis project meets this objective, by allowing the installation, in the heart of the metropolis, of economic activities useful to the dynamics of our city and its attractiveness. »

Pour Aletheia Press, Benoit Delabre



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