Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Priest (69800) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Priest (69800) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Priest (69800) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – Which candidate will the voters of Nupes converge on in Saint-Priest?

Will the New Ecological and Social Popular Union, which fizzled out despite its surge in the last legislative elections, see its voters from that time automatically transfer to the New Popular Front in the 2024 legislative elections? A few days ago in the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann took 9.57% in Saint-Priest. But the left can hope for 37%, the share of votes of the leader of the Place Publique list being added to those of the LFI list of Manon Aubry (24.45%), Marie Toussaint (3.58%) and finally the communist Léon Deffontaine (1.97%). During the first round of the Assembly elections in 2022, in Saint-Priest, the Nupes had also recorded 30.02% of the votes if we include the 2 constituencies covering the city. A push to finally complete with the 37% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative scores from Mélenchon to Hidalgo.

18:42 – In Saint-Priest, the National Rally in ambush

What can we deduce from this combination of scores? The progression of the RN is already strong in Saint-Priest between Jordan Bardella’s score in 2019 (25.23%) and that which he obtained on June 9 at the Europeans (29.89%), of the order of 4 points. But this is shaping up to be even more important in the 2024 legislative elections, with the polls instead offering the RN an increase of around fifteen points compared to the 2022 elections throughout the country, very far from the 18.68% at the time. . The RN could thus find itself very close to 30% locally this June 30, if the dynamics were the same as for the European elections, or even much more depending on the poll dynamics.

15:31 – A 29.89% in the national average for Bardella in Saint-Priest on June 9

Going back a few weeks also seems wise when anticipating the legislative elections, the result which fell at the end of the elections of June 9 being significant. It is in fact the Jordan Bardella list which won the 2024 European elections in Saint-Priest, with 29.89% of the votes cast, or 4153 votes, ahead of the list led by Manon Aubry with 24.45%, and the list of Valérie Hayer with 11.16%.

2:32 p.m. – Jean-Luc Mélenchon advantage in Saint-Priest in the first round of the last presidential election

The choice of the tenant of the Elysée is certainly the key to assessing a local political trend. During the election for the presidency of the Republic, the scenario was gloomy for the RN and its candidate Marine Le Pen, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead thanks to 32.97% in the first round, ahead of Emmanuel Macron with 24.07%. Marine Le Pen for her part only managed to glean 21.52%. In the second round, Emmanuel Macron won with 61.66% ahead of Marine Le Pen (38.34%).

12:32 – What was the verdict of the 2022 legislative elections in Saint-Priest?

At the local level as in the rest of France, the result of the formation led by Jordan Bardella in the legislative elections will be widely commented on. The RN got into a mess in Saint-Priest in 2022, during the legislative elections, with 20.04% in the first round, against 30.02% for the candidates New Popular Ecological and Social Union on average for all voters spread over the 2 constituencies of the commune. In the commune of Saint-Priest, it was finally a majority La République en Marche that was chosen at the time of the second round, confirming the failure of the far-right party on all voters. The winners in the city were therefore Sarah Tanzilli (ENS) in the 13th constituency with 63.3% and Idir Boumertit (NUP) in the 14th constituency with 54.55%.

11:02 – Demographics and politics in Saint-Priest, a close link

At midday of the legislative elections, Saint-Priest is teeming with diversity and activities. With its 48,822 inhabitants, this cosmopolitan agglomeration represents the cultural wealth of contemporary France. Socio-economic plurality is reflected in its 4,408 companies, whose activity is supported by a family fabric of 27,461 tax households. In the agglomeration, 41% of the population is aged 0 to 29, and 7.15% are elderly, which can influence political orientations, particularly in terms of education and health care. The presence of 6,291 foreign residents contributes to its multiculturalism. Despite an unemployment rate of 13.26%, the city reveals an average monthly net salary of €2,325.03 per month, enjoying a certain prosperity. In Saint-Priest, where young people represent 41% of the population, the elections are the hope for a future in communion.

09:32 – Abstention forecasts for the legislative elections in Saint-Priest

In Saint-Priest, one of the big unknowns of this legislative election will undoubtedly be the extent of abstention. As a reminder, in the city, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections was 39.18% in the first round and only 36.65% in the second round. Two years ago, during the first round of the presidential election, the percentage of participation rose to 70.11% of those registered on the city’s electoral lists, compared with a participation rate of 64.23% in the second round, which represented 18,984 people. The populations of small municipalities generally move more than in large ones, could the trend worsen for the legislative elections?

08:02 – Legislative elections in Saint-Priest: timetables for the 36 polling stations

The legislative elections offer Saint-Priest voters the opportunity to express their views on issues that concern their country. In the event that the union of the left or the far right obtains a majority of seats in the Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing Emmanuel Macron to appoint a Prime Minister from an opposing political movement to govern. Among the three major forces present, which of the New Popular Front, the far-right bloc, and the presidential bloc will manage to obtain the most votes in Saint-Priest? The 36 polling stations in the Saint-Priest urban area are open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. to allow voters to make their choice. To receive the results of the elections in Saint-Priest as soon as they are published, click on the ‘Activate results alerts’ button located at the top of the page.



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