Furmeca passes 50 years

Furmeca passes 50 years
Furmeca passes 50 years

The Furmeca precision mechanics factory in Fursac has just experienced a major moment with the inauguration of its expansion works celebrated at the same time as the anniversary of its fifty years of existence.

After the screening of a short presentation film, the manager, Franck Parbaud, surrounded by all the staff, presented the history of Furmeca, a contraction of Fursac Mécanique.

The factory operates in the fields of aeronautics, railway, naval and even general industry, with turning parts with digitally controlled lathes, sometimes precise to the nearest micron.

The extension of a building inaugurated in 2016

On the occasion of the company’s fiftieth anniversary and the inauguration of the extension works (1), Franck Parbaud greeted, among others, the company’s customers, staff, elected officials, as well as Gilbert Barret, his predecessor for 34 years.

Olivier Mouveroux, Mayor of Fursac and President of the Community of Communes of Bénévent/Grand-Bourg, described the project that began in 2015, with the acquisition by the Community of Communes of land intended for the construction of an industrial building for Furmeca: “The inauguration of the initial 619 m² building took place in 2016.”

Six years later, the extension project was born, materialized by the end of the work in July 2023.

The extension of the Furmeca factory, of 462 m², amounts to €443,330 (2).



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