Four young people indicted in Grenoble for ambushes via the Coco website

Four young people indicted in Grenoble for ambushes via the Coco website
Four young people indicted in Grenoble for ambushes via the Coco website

Known for being the place of sordid affairs, pedocriminality or prostitution, the Coco site was closed a few days ago. This Saturday, June 29, four young people were indicted in Grenoble for ambushes set via the site.

Four young people, two adults and two minors, have been charged with “group violence” after ambushes were set for young men on the dating site, which was recently closed, Grenoble prosecutor Eric Vaillant said on Saturday, June 29.

The case dates back to the end of 2023, when “a group made up of three to seven criminals ambushed young men met on the Coco dating site” in the town of Seyssinet-Pariset, in Isère, the prosecutor said. The victims were robbed of their cell phones or bank cards by “a gang sometimes armed with knives” and were also “molested,” the prosecutor said. One of the members of this gang was arrested at the beginning of December 2023 in flagrante delicto and “three co-perpetrators or accomplices (had been) arrested at their homes” in the process. These four people had been “presented to an investigating judge with a view to opening a judicial investigation, aimed in particular at identifying and then arresting the rest of the team and listing other facts”.

“Lair of predators”

On June 26, two minors aged 17 and two adults aged 18 and 19, considered “co-perpetrators or accomplices” were arrested in the Grenoble metropolis, and indicted for “violence in a meeting”. Searches led “to the discovery of knives, mobile phones, means of payment and the necessary materials for packaging narcotics,” adds the prosecutor.

Considered as “a den of predators” by associations and implicated in a homophobic ambush, the discussion site was closed on Tuesday June 25 as part of a judicial investigation.

Coco website, implicated in homophobic ambushes, closed by authorities

With AFP



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