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Véronique and Pascale, in love with Sète and determined to promote their territory

Véronique and Pascale, in love with Sète and determined to promote their territory
Véronique and Pascale, in love with Sète and determined to promote their territory

A GODMOTHER, A GODCHILD Throughout the year, Midi Libre is committed to inspiring women and positive encounters.

“I am a pure Sétoise. I am lucky to belong to an indigenous family, my parents and my grandparents gave me this love for this island” says Véronique Britto, sales, marketing and communications director for thirty years at Azais-Polito, a traditional cannery in Sète specializing in fine fish specialties. “Through our products, we also promote our territory” she specifies.

Pascale Lopez-Marchier being also a fervent lover of Sète, eager to share with as many people as possible her passion for her adopted land, the alchemy was inevitable between these two women. “It carries our territory with a naturalness, a simplicity and a sincerity which touches me and refers to the quality of our products” assures Véronique Britto.

“The desire to discover our beautiful lagoon”

“I lived in Lyon for around twenty years, but my heart beat too much for Sète, where I arrived at the age of ten”testifies Pascale Lopez-Marchier, manager of La fille du Cabanon, a small events agency “not like the others”was. “I knew I would come back here,” she continues. “I bought a small shed on the pond. I now welcome artisans and guests there; I adapt to the wishes of my clients, always with the same desire to make them discover our beautiful lagoon”.

Her motto: everything is possible, you just have to believe in it. Creative and pugnacious, she notably designed and distributed the brand “Les Saisons des chefs”, i.e. 4 culinary boxes on the art of the table in collaboration with 4 great starred chefs, and presented TV chronicles on the theme of sport and health. She also integrated a social mission to help and support people in great difficulty and on the margins of society.

“With Pascale and her cabin, I find the spirit of Sète, the joy of living specific to its inhabitants, the taste for openness, encounters, culture and great celebrations” smiles Veronique Britto.



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