Tribune. “Their program is xenophobic and economically incoherent”: 1,000 start-ups take action against the RN and dissociate themselves from Medef

Tribune. “Their program is xenophobic and economically incoherent”: 1,000 start-ups take action against the RN and dissociate themselves from Medef
Tribune. “Their program is xenophobic and economically incoherent”: 1,000 start-ups take action against the RN and dissociate themselves from Medef

the essential
Business leaders are taking part in a platform against the National Rally, highlighting the link between the extreme right and the “economic crisis”.

Le Nouvel Observateur published on June 27, 2024 the opinion piece of 1,000 graduates of high schools, who unanimously reject the declaration made by the president of Medef Patrick Martin according to which the program of the New Popular Front is “dangerous for the economy” at the same time. title as that of the National Rally.

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“This comparison between the two programs constitutes a perilous amalgamation for democracy”

“We are graduates of “grandes écoles”, economic actors and leaders, entrepreneurs, and we wish to express our disagreement with the comments of Patrick Martin, president of Medef, published in Le Figaro on June 20”, write the 1,000 signatories at the opening from the stand. “This comparison between the two programs, although diametrically opposed, constitutes a perilous amalgamation for democracy,” continue the signatories. “It is urgent to break with this dominant discourse in business circles, which systematically discredits the economic proposals of the left and fuels the flames of the National Rally.”

“I repeat, the RN program is dangerous for the French economy, growth and employment, that of the New Popular Front is just as dangerous, if not more so,” declared the head of Medef in a long interview for Le Figaro dated June 20, 2024.

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“History has shown that the far right in power plunges countries into deep social, economic and political crises”

The signatories of the platform firmly positioned themselves against the National Rally’s program, “xenophobic and populist, economically incoherent and illegible.” And they continued: “History has shown that the extreme right in power plunges countries into deep social, economic and political crises, a scenario that we must avoid at all costs.”

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Interviewed on the 7 o’clock news on France Inter this Friday, June 28, 2024, HEC graduate and founder of Drivy (start-up sold for more than 100 million euros) Paulin Dementhon declared: “I absolutely do not agree that preserving the environment, fighting for the sharing of wealth is against the survival of the economy. Of course the economy will not collapse if the left comes to power. It’s even the opposite. In the long term, if we do nothing for the environment and we continue to widen the gaping gaps between the rich and the poor, the economy will collapse.”

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Entrepreneur Alizée Lozac’hmeur, co-founder of makesense (citizen movement, solutions incubator), said for her part to France Inter: “On a daily basis, I work with managers who have only one desire, for their company to be integrated into the ecological transformation and who are not helped by public policies or taxation.”



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