Avignon Festival: our first selection among 1611 Off shows

Avignon Festival: our first selection among 1611 Off shows
Avignon Festival: our first selection among 1611 Off shows

It’s a real headache to choose from among the 1,611 or so productions at the Off Festival. the one that will captivate us. To help you, we present in this edition a first selection, of which we saw the performances in 2023.

Previously, as every year, the grand parade opens the Off Festival with a gigantic stroll of theater companies in the streets of the historic center of Avignon. This year, it takes place on Tuesday, July 2, 2024with a departure around 5:30 p.m. from Place des Carmes to arrive, around 7:30 p.m., at the village of l’Off (6 rue Pourquery de Boisserin).

Alice Milliat and Violette Morris at the microphone of Brigitte Kernel

Alice Milliat and Violette Morris at the microphone of Brigitte Kernel. (© Pier-Patrick Boz)

Brigitte Kernel teleports her radio studio to the 1920s, for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. She receives, microphone in hand, two women, two sportswomen, with exceptional destinies. Alice Milliat, who created the Olympic Games in Paris in 1922 and Violette Morris, who was, in 1927, the most successful sportswoman in the world. Historical-sports comedy, to be discovered without restraint.

Théâtre les 3S, from June 29 to July 21 at 9:25 p.m., www.theatre3s.com

The Man and the Fisherman

The man and the fisherman. (© Cie Piccaro)

This jewel of poetry and dreaminess, an undisputed success of 2023, is not to be missed. Two men, on the edge of a lake on a wooden pontoon, carry the spectators away, until they are integrated into a tragicomedy that makes you laugh and reflect at the same time on the value that we give to ourselves and to others.

The Little Dog Theater, from July 3 to 21, at 5:40 p.m., release on July 9 and 16, https://www.chienquifume.com

Gotainer brings back his sentence

The iconoclastic artist with numerous hits is holding his festival in just two dates. Gotainer brings back his phrase by drawing from his repertoire of texts that he certainly does not sing. He is accompanied by Brice Delage, guitarist and fabulous musical foley artist.

Théâtre Le Paris, July 3 and 4 at 9:10 p.m., https://www.leparisavignon.com


Shahada. (© Fidam Ohissen)

Fida Mohissen, author, actor and theater director, stages and plays her initiatory journey, that of her life. On stage, young Fida speaks to the man he has become, in a powerful face-to-face encounter. Shahada challenges the viewer by addressing faith, the one that governs life and then transforms through human experiences to become peaceful and intimate. The message is universal, the encounters, the real, the truth, break down prejudices. A must see, but be careful uppercut guaranteed.

Theater The 11, du July 2 to 21 at 6:45 p.m., https://www.11avignon.com


Humains. (© Steeve Silva Monteiro)

Humans goes back in time, very far and draws a thread with the present, to tell the story of the evolution of man and end up questioning what remains human in humans. An unprecedented musical conference, with special effects and holograms, which dissects what is hidden behind each invention. An experience to be enjoyed with the family.

La Luna Theater From June 29 to July 21, at 11:20 a.m., https://www.theatre-laluna.fr

And also…

Odd jobs for old clowns

Clown in all its forms, from burlesque to eccentric. We highly recommend it.

At the Condition des silkes, July 8 and 15, at 2 p.m., https://www.conditiondessoies.com

I am

In dance and theater, tolerance for others. We liked the way the subject was handled.

Théâtre de l’Oulle, from June 29 to July 21, at 10 a.m., https://la-factory.org



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