Armel Traoré, forever the first ADA Blois player in the NBA

Armel Traoré, forever the first ADA Blois player in the NBA
Armel Traoré, forever the first ADA Blois player in the NBA

It was a dream, now it’s a reality. Armel Traoré signed an NBA contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, team of the great LeBron James. This was the surprise of the night of June 27 to 28. Unselected in the second round of the draft, it took him little time to learn that he too could play in the NBA. Thus becoming the fifth Frenchman to obtain his ticket, after a historic draft for France.

What is a “two-way contract”?

Unlike his compatriots, it is not through the draft but by signing a two-way contract that Armel Traoré will be able to join the Major League. A two-way contract or two-part contract in French, is “a contract that allows NBA franchises to secure the services of three additional players in order to have them play in their affiliated development league franchise (G-League) but also in the NBA (up to 50 games per season)”, explains ADA Blois in a press release.

Despite the surprise of this two-way contractthe arrival of Armel Traoré in the NBA was however predictable according to Julien Monclar, manager of ADA Blois. “It’s a dream for a young player to go to the NBA, it was his in this case. We knew that the dream was getting closer to reality or the opposite. A lot of scouts came all season.”

Scouts (recruiters) who were able to fully appreciate the potential of the Blois winger, despite a complicated season for his club, which was ultimately relegated to Pro B. “Armel is a deserving boy, insists Julien Monclar. He works, he has a good attitude and he fought for the club. »

At Summer League to prove yourself

If this contract is “the best thing that could happen” Armel Traoré, however, is not a done deal for the 21-year-old. He will now have to prove himself if he wants to be extended. “His contract is partially guaranteed, which means he’ll play at least half the season and potentially the entire season, specifies the Blesois manager. But I am sure it will be extended.” He will have the opportunity to prove himself very soon during the Summer League in Las Vegas from July 12 to 22.

For Julien Monclar, Armel Traoré has the qualities to make him a good NBA player and which allowed him to“go find your place with your guts”. “Already his tenacity, his desire, his engine. His athletic tools, Armel, he’s a monster! He’s very tall, he has a very big wingspan, he’s strong. He’s committed, he can physically oppose the best athletes and the best are in the NBA.”

A player who will play his role

Above all, Armel Traoré is a player who will know how to find his place. “He’s not going to take himself for someone else and is going to play to his strengths, insists the general manager of the ADA. Armel will be a role player, he will be there to defend in several positions, to make an impact, to take rebounds and to slam the ball into the circle when he has the opportunity.

But Julien Monclar warns that to play this role, the winger will have to be in shape. “The first quality of a player when he has to make his place is already to be on the pitch. » We remember another Frenchman, Sekou Doumbouya, who was injured when he took over the contract from Joël Ayayi who was not convincing.

A great operation for Blois

A consecration for Armel Traoré, obviously, but also for the club. This NBA contract is a real showcase for ADA Blois which places Loir-et-Cher on the basketball world map. “Obviously, it’s a spotlight. Above all, it proves that we do what we say. This also validates a little the training and post-training work the club has been doing for years now. »

Still under contract with ADA Blois, his departure to the Los Angeles Lakers will therefore generate financial compensation for the Loir-et-Cher club. “It’s good news for the club but we’re not in football,” underlines Julien Monclar who puts into perspective the amount of the transfer which he prefers to keep for himself.

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Armel Traoré and ADA Blois will meet with supporters this Saturday, June 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the club’s headquarters (96-100 Avenue de Châteaudun in Blois) to share a moment of conviviality before the player flies to the United States.



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