Cargo, the photo festival in Saint-Nazaire, explores migration

Cargo, the photo festival in Saint-Nazaire, explores migration
Cargo, the photo festival in Saint-Nazaire, explores migration

For its fourth edition, the Cargo festival organized by the Art à l’Ouest association focuses on the wanderings and migrations of living things, human or animal, constrained by political, dietary or ecological necessities.

Photographs and videos can be discovered at the Galerie des Franciscains in a group exhibition accompanied by the National Museum of the History of Immigration, as well as at the Etienne Caux media library and in the city. An entire photographic trail is deployed in the open air: at the public garden of Sautron, at the tip of Villès, at the fort of Villès-Martin, on the coastal path, the station square and the helYce bus line (eleven stops).

The photographs of Nobukho Ngaba, a South African artist, can be discovered in the Sautron public garden. They show the artist with an object that symbolizes migration, the China bag.

The work of Franco-Korean artist Daesung Lee, “On the shore of a disappearing island”, can be seen on Pointe de Villes. His productions make visible the impact of climate change on societies, here the island of Ghoramara, West Bengal in India.

At the Etienne Caux media library, the artist Lucie Jean exhibits her work “Dérive, et des îles”, a research on summer transhumance along the Loire islands from Tours, where she grew up, to the estuary.

Deputy Mayor for Culture Michel Ray visits the exhibition on this theme which is both solar and tragic, marked by fatal accidents linked to the dangers of the river.

The artistic education projects “Terres bleues, Carnet de voyage” are also found at the Etienne Caux media library, at the Penhoët halls, at the Ernest Renan school and at the Beaux-arts de Nantes Saint-Nazaire. Lucie Jean led these projects with three CP-CE1 classes from the Ernest Renan school and 17 nursery school classes from the municipalities of the agglomeration.

The festival continues at the Franciscan gallery.



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