Bessan – Le Promeneur du net raises awareness and guides middle school students against harassment

Bessan – Le Promeneur du net raises awareness and guides middle school students against harassment
Bessan – Le Promeneur du net raises awareness and guides middle school students against harassment

Today, social networks are among the means of communication preferred by young people and parents.

They constitute essential tools for maintaining social ties.

The Promeneurs du net system allows structures dedicated to youth and parenthood to be present with the audiences concerned to raise awareness and guide them.

A Net Walker is a youth professional who, during their work, interacts with young people and parents on the topics of the internet or social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.).

He listens to them, advises them, answers their questions or directs them if necessary. Le Promeneur du net also supports young people and parents in carrying out their projects.

At the initiative of Marie Saunal, municipal councillor, following the request of the Victor Hugo college and with the support of the town of Agde and its House of Justice and Law, Benjamin Boucher, internet walker, recently spoke to a 5th grade class at the Bessanais establishment, a class drawn at random.

After introducing himself, he was able to establish contact with the 25 students to discuss numerous subjects (aggression, harassment, cyberbullying, cyberviolence, etc.). Benjamin, very popular with young people, was then able to get to the heart of the matter by addressing the different forms of violence that we can encounter behind the screens. With sketches, he captured the attention of young people.

Penalties incurred, consequences of behavior, psychological aspects on the victims… the themes addressed, sometimes with a sense of humor, encouraged exchanges with numerous questions and even questioning or awareness raising among students, beneficial in terms of in the postures of a harasser or harassed.



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