Legislative elections 2024. IVG, immigration… In Lorraine, how has your MP voted on the main laws over the past 2 years?

Law on the acceleration of the production of renewable energies

Adopted by the National Assembly on January 31, 2023 (Pour : 286 deputies; Against : 238  ; Abstention : 35  ; Did not participate in the vote: 18).

Son but ? Facilitate the acceleration of renewable energy production by putting local authorities at the center of their planning.

The result in the Assembly. The law passed without an overwhelming majority with 51.2% of votes in favor and 42.6% against. It was massively supported by members of the presidential parties (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons) as well as the PS but rejected by the RN, against wind turbines, La France Insoumise, reproaching it for its lack of ambition, and Les Républicains, denouncing a breach of equality between energy producers. Most environmentalists abstained.

In Lorraine. There was no surprise, the Lorraine deputies scrupulously followed the positions of their party. Of the 21 deputies, 12 were against.

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Law on the orientation and programming of the Ministry of Justice 2023-2027

Adopted by the National Assembly on July 18, 2023 (Pour : 388 deputies; Against : 111  ; Abstention : 45  ; Did not participate in the vote: 33).

Son but ? It is one of the most important statutory reforms since 1958. Among its main measures, we find more financial and human resources (the budget increased from €9.6 billion in 2023 to €11 billion in 2027 as well as the hiring of 10,000 people),additional prison places and some centers specializing in domestic violence. In the context of terrorism or organized crime, investigators will be able to activate mobile phones remotely to carry out wiretapping.

The result in the Assembly. The parties of the presidential majority (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons), the RN and Les Républicains made the vote count. LFI, the PS and the environmentalists voted against or abstained.

In Lorraine. This law has given rise to very personal results in our departments. For example, out of the 4 deputies on the left flank, only 2 voted against: Caroline Fiat (6th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle) and Charlotte Leduc (3rd constituency of Moselle), from LFI. Dominique Potier (Socialists and related) and Martine Étienne (LFI), abstained or did not participate in the vote.

In the Liot group, Bertrand Pancher also abstained, unlike Christophe Naegelen who voted for. And even among the other groups which largely voted for, we find dissidents in Lorraine: Emmanuel Lacresse (2nd constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle) from Renaissance did not participate in the vote, Fabien Di Filippo (4th constituency of Moselle) , Republicans, abstained.

If the Renaissance largely supported this bill (163 in favor out of 171 deputies), Emmanuel Lacresse, in the 2nd constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle, did not follow his group by not participating in the vote. Photo Frederique Braconnot

Law to control immigration and improve integration

Adopted by the National Assembly on December 19, 2023 (Pour : 349 deputies; Against : 186  ; Abstention : 38  ; Did not participate in the vote: 4).

Son but ? The law was announced by Gérald Darmanin at the beginning of the second five-year term of the head of state. Its main objective is to intensify the removals of illegal immigrants. The project includes a reform of the asylum system to speed up the examination of applications and the creation of a one-year residence permit for workers in professions with a shortage of manpower.

The result in the Assembly. It was widely adopted. The RN and Republican deputies all, without exception, voted for. Within the presidential parties, a small portion abstained or voted against (131 for, 20 against and 17 abstentions for example for Renaissance). LFI, the PS and the environmentalists have positioned themselves against.

In Lorraine. Belkhir Belhaddad (1st constituency of Moselle) is one of the 20 Renaissance deputies, out of 170, who voted against. Unlike all the other Lorrainers in this group. Within the Liot group which was very divided (8 for, 8 against and 5 abstentions), Bertrand Pancher (1st constituency of Meuse) voted against, unlike another Lorrainer in this group, Christophe Naegelen (3rd constituency of Vosges).

Belkhir Belhaddad (1st constituency of Moselle) is one of the 20 deputies from his Renaissance group, out of 170, to have voted against the immigration law. Photo Karim Siari

Constitutional law relating to the freedom to resort to voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG)

Adopted by the National Assembly on January 30, 2024 (Pour : 493 deputies; Against : 30  ; Abstention : 26  ; Did not participate in the vote: 28).

Son but ? In March 2023, Emmanuel Macron announced his intention to include the right to abortion in the Constitution. The law is promulgated symbolically on 8 mars 2024, International Women’s Rights Day. France becomes the first country to include in its Constitution the freedom of women to resort to abortion.

The result in the Assembly. In each party, almost all the deputies voted in favour. Except for two where the results were more mixed: the RN (46 for, 11 against and 20 abstentions) and Les Républicains (43 for, 12 against and 4 abstentions).

In Lorraine. The Lorraine deputies, including those of the RN, all voted for. All but one, or rather two, Republicans. Thibaut Bazin, in the 4th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle, positioned himself against without commenting, while Fabien Di Filippo, in the 4th of Moselle, abstained.

Law relating to protecting the population from the risks linked to PFAS (eternal pollutants)

Adopted by the National Assembly on April 4, 2024 (Pour : 186 deputies; Against : 0  ; Abstention : 27  ; Did not participate in the vote: 364).

Son but ? Supported by environmentalists, the law aims to ban certain non-essential uses of PFAS, eternal chemical pollutants present in the human body and nature, at January 1, 2026 in clothing and cosmetics. After modifications, the kitchen utensils were spared. The Seb group, with Tefal stoves, was mainly concerned.

The result in the Assembly. La France Insoumise, the PS, and the ecologists brought their reserve of votes. The Macronist majority was hesitant for a long time but after the changes made, a third of the Renaissance, MoDem and Horizons groups gave their favorable vote, the others skipping the session, as did most of the RN and LR deputies. There were no votes against but 27 abstentions.

In Lorraine. No surprise, the national trend was followed in that 14 out of 21 MPs did not participate. The left-wing Lorraine deputies all voted in his favor, as well as Bertrand Pancher from the Liot group (1st constituency of Meuse) and two Moselle deputies from Renaissance Belkhir Belhaddad (1st constituency) and Ludovic Mendes (2nd constituency).

Ludovic Mendes, like Belkhir Belhaddad, are among the 56 out of 170 Renaissance deputies to have voted in favour of the law. Photo Alexandre Marchi

Ludovic Mendes, like Belkhir Belhaddad, are among the 56 deputies out of 170 from Renaissance to have voted in favor of the law. Photo Alexandre Marchi



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