Attempted rape and death threats against a medical office employee in Issy-les-Moulineaux

Attempted rape and death threats against a medical office employee in Issy-les-Moulineaux
Attempted rape and death threats against a medical office employee in Issy-les-Moulineaux

A man was taken into police custody for “attempted rape under the influence of narcotics” as well as “attempted intentional homicide under the influence of narcotics” on the evening of Tuesday June 25, 2024. Aged 32 , he burst into a medical center in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine) around 10:30 p.m. where an office was being held, says Paris News .

The thirty-year-old attacked a medical secretary and began to undress her. The cries of the young woman, born in 2000, had alerted witnesses, who notified the police, reports CNews . When they arrived, the police found that the attacker was in a locked office room whose door had been blocked with chairs to prevent the intruder from escaping.

The victim injured and hospitalized

The police entered the room and found that the victim, naked, was lying on the ground and that the attacker was threatening to kill him with a pair of scissors. The man, already known to the justice system and the subject of an OQTF, was subdued after being shot with an electric pulse pistol, specifies Le Figaro Slightly injured in the neck, the victim was taken to hospital.

She was prescribed a five-day ITT, details the local information site. The employee said the attacker showed up at the office claiming to be “recorded” before complimenting her and attacking her. The suspect indicated he had used cocaine, which a drug test also showed. An investigation was launched.



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