Wall. Lovely Solidarity and Club Couture: A story of the heart

Wall. Lovely Solidarity and Club Couture: A story of the heart
Wall. Lovely Solidarity and Club Couture: A story of the heart

Last Saturday, at the Roques village hall, Valérie Herbulot, president of the Couture Club of Roques, welcomed, in her workshop, Isabelle Rak, departmental coordinator, volunteer, from Haute-Garonne, who, since 2020, has supported the Lovely Solidarity association which was created in October 2019.

These two associations, in partnership, make “lovely bags”, 100% cotton fabric bags, colorful, elegant, soft, intended for women who have undergone breast cancer surgery, allowing them to transport and hide their drains. .

These bags are distributed free of charge in partner hospitals: IUCT Oncopole Toulouse (1,200 bags), Ambroise-Paré clinic (80 per year), Rangueil Purpan (100 per year), ICM Oncopole Montpellier (1,200 per year), Occitanie clinic in Muret (40 bags per year).

“I deliver the bags directly via the nurses’ room,” says Isabelle Rak. “It’s important to meet the medical staff. It’s something very powerful. We have set up a network of fabric recycling centers such as the Salvation Army, Emmaüs, among others, which provide us with fabric made exclusively from cotton. We are always looking for donors of fabric in excellent condition. We are constantly looking for new volunteer seamstresses. We participate in the Octobre Rose fairs and with our fabric scraps we make purses, scrunchies, tote bags, the income from which allows us to face the poster campaigns.”

The initiative of Lovely Solidarity and Club Couture is a magnificent demonstration of solidarity. These two organizations provide immense moral support to women during their ordeal. A great proof that, in difficult times, solidarity and kindness can brighten up everyday life.

The two associations will be present, Saturday October 19, at the Moulin de Roques on the occasion of the Pink October campaign.

“The disease has no borders and solidarity is everywhere. With or without straps, support is essential for women,” concludes Isabelle Rak.



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