“I am an athlete like me,” assures Arielle Dombasle

“I am an athlete like me,” assures Arielle Dombasle
“I am an athlete like me,” assures Arielle Dombasle

The Olympic flame arrives in Paris on July 14 (before leaving again until the opening of the Olympic Games). During this very republican welcome ceremony in front of the Paris City Hall, Arielle Dombasle will perform her new title Olympics.

The singer explains to 20 Minutes how much this invitation delighted her.

How did you get involved in this ceremony welcoming the Olympic flame?

With the release of my latest album, entitled Iconics, which is dedicated to the women who inspired me… Alongside this album, there is the song “Olympics” which is a tribute to the champions, to the first women to win gold medals. . This anthem, for which I wrote the lyrics, we composed with Charly Voodoo, based on Beethoven’s 7th symphony. We shot the clip at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris during the “Fashion and Sport” exhibition. Fashion and beauty are what have always attracted crowds, especially in Paris. It is also an ode to Paris, the city of lights which will attract the whole world this summer. The City of Paris, Anne Hidalgo and her team saw the clip and were enthusiastic. So they invited me to sing for the arrival of the Olympic flame at city hall on July 14.

So you are going to sing but are you also going to carry the flame?

I don’t know. I know that she will sleep one evening at city hall with Anne Hidalgo before leaving, then she will return for the opening of the Olympic Games. I find it a wonderful symbol that the flame sleeps with the mayor of Paris.

You are not one of those Parisians who are fleeing the capital then?

But not at all ! Never ! There is a kind of somewhat excessive bashing against the Paris Olympics, we hear a lot of negative things. Of course, there is a period of work which sometimes prevents us from getting around, major disruptions and traffic jams… But it is inevitable so that Paris can welcome, at best, athletes from all over the world and thousands of visitors. The Olympic Games are unique, fantastic, historic! I’m very excited at the idea of ​​discovering the events in the heart of our capital, and all the new events like skateboarding or breakdancing!

This day of welcoming the Flame will be very symbolic since it will take place on July 14. How do you place yourself among this crowd of Republican and Olympic symbols?

I am very moved and very honored to sing this ode to joy. My grandfather was the first diplomat to join General de Gaulle in London and the general asked him to found Free France in America! Which he did. As I am Franco-American, having lived in Mexico, I find it magnificent that Paris is, this summer, more international than ever. It’s great to welcome countries from all over the world to this capital of France! What pride!!

You who are attached to symbols, what does that of the Olympic Flame inspire you?

It is a magnificent symbol, the fire that ignites but unites hearts and souls in the passion of performance, and not the fire that destroys. This flame that we transmit represents the human assembly united to surpass itself, to compete in enthusiasm!

These Olympics arrive in a very tense national and international context. Could the Olympic Games be this interlude where we forget?

We can never really forget what is happening around us, but in such a tense context the Olympic Games represent humanity united, it is really good to take at this moment.

Are you personally touched by the values ​​of Olympism or are you attached to the symbol?

But both! I find it overwhelming to see these forces of the world, this fusion of bodies and souls, this humanity which tries to surpass itself, to be the man who runs the fastest in the world, the woman who swims the fastest… The idea of becoming yourself and more than yourself, surpassing yourself, is a truly human value.

You are sporty yourself. Could you have become an athlete?

Athletes have always inspired me, I am very sensitive to the aura of champions. Esther Williams was the first sportswoman I admired, an incredible Olympic swimmer who was later spotted by Hollywood in spectacular musicals. We, the artists, the actresses, the singers, the dancers… We are athletes in our genre. Like athletes, we aim to surpass ourselves, in our singularity, we aim to represent universal values.

In this exercise very full of symbols – with the flame, the flags… – where you will embody a sort of Olympic Marianne, what will be the place of your singularity?

You have to be yourself to be able to embody and transmit joy and exaltation. It’s something I’ve always strived to do. When I’m not well, I hide… But for now, let Paris be a party with all its athletes… Eiffel Tower, like a treasure from a shower of gold medals!



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