HYERES: Charter for boatmen summer 2024, TPM renews the regulation of attendance at Porquerolles

HYERES: Charter for boatmen summer 2024, TPM renews the regulation of attendance at Porquerolles
HYERES: Charter for boatmen summer 2024, TPM renews the regulation of attendance at Porquerolles

Since 2021, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolis, the city of Hyères, the Port-Cros National Park, the public service delegate for serving the Golden Islands and all private boatmen, have decided to regulate the access to the island of Porquerolles during periods of high tourist pressure.

Objective: maintain a quality tourist experience and contribute to environmental protection. This regulation is renewed for the fourth season with a limitation of 6,000 visitors per day.

The tourist presence on the island of Porquerolles, commune of Hyères, is regulated daily during the 2024 season so that each visitor is guaranteed to experience a remarkable stopover, respectful of the natural site. For the fourth consecutive year, the Boatmen’s Charter signed on July 6, 2021, initiated by the Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée, the City of Hyères, in partnership with the Port-Cros National Park and with local passenger maritime transport operators , is activated during the summer period to regulate access to Porquerolles. This system, which coordinates the transport of the TLV company, as well as that of boatmen and private transporters, limits visitors visiting Porquerolles to 6,000 people per day during the high tourist season.

“Preserve the balance between local tourist attractiveness, economic benefits and protection of biodiversity”

The Metropolis, a pioneer in the implementation of this system, is now spreading across French territory: Mont-Saint-Michel, the Cliffs of Etretat, the Island of Bréhat, the GR20, certain Marseille coves, etc. are setting up similar devices. In June 2023, managing peak tourist numbers also became a government priority* supported by a new national strategy, in order to preserve the balance between local tourist attractiveness, economic benefits and protection of biodiversity.

Why reactivate the Boatmen’s Charter annually?

In France, 80% of tourist activity is concentrated on 20% of the territory. Globally, 95% of global tourists visit less than 5% of the land surface (source: World Tourism Organization). In the idyllic setting of the island of Porquerolles, the activation of the Boatmen’s Charter has proven itself during the last three summer seasons, and improves the comfort of the tourist stay. This system relieves ecosystems during the summer period and requires a significant effort from the public operator since it contractually limits the number of passengers. Private actors are also impacted on their scale.

Monitoring the gauge at 6,000 passengers: how does it work? In October – in accordance with the Special Police Regulations (RPP) of the port of Porquerolles – the carriers, transport companies, passenger transport vessels listed, declare their passenger traffic forecasts for the 2024 season. Collective work is undertaken to respect daily gauges. In season, these same carriers declare at each “platform touch” the number of passengers boarded and disembarked.

How is the gauge monitored? Port supervisors (sworn agents of the Metropolis) control ships in ports and record the number of passengers transported daily. State agents at sea and the Port-Cros National Park control vessels at sea. On land, near beaches and sites accessible by sea (excluding ports), the municipal police control landings prohibited by order.

Awareness campaign

Raising visitor awareness of ecological and heritage issues helps to explain the system by justifying the necessary environmental preservation. On the island of Porquerolles – the largest (12.54 km2) of the Golden Islands – the seasonal influx is a challenge in terms of protection of the natural heritage and the satisfaction of each visitor.

Good gestures

This jewel of the Mediterranean, which seduces with its idyllic beaches and the richness of its ecosystem, will be bequeathed to future generations. The quality of man’s relationship with nature encourages us to preserve the island territory through numerous actions.

Actions already in place

  • The Boatmen’s Charter: regulation of hyper-crowding since the 2021 summer season
  • Monitoring attendance flows (statistics and compliance with gauges)
  • Online reservation on the public transport website: TLV (information on peak reservations, to be able to choose the best visit slot) and boatmen.
  • Information on peaks in attendance from communities and services, partners and law enforcement.
  • The Provence Méditerranée Tourist Office informs and advises users on the use of the charter.
  • Incentive pricing outside the summer period (TLV)
  • The combined Bus/Boat fare: line 67: Hyères / Centre-Tour Fondue / Giens
  • End of season review

Actions 2024

Creation of a visual and implementation of a communication campaign before and during the summer: Displays in the region and beyond, on the TPM and Ports websites, social networks, boatmen, etc. A visual has therefore been created and will be distributed, in order to encourage tourists to book online, which allows for anticipation and better management of flows.

Upcoming actions

  • Raising awareness of good practices: creation of a “Golden Islands passenger kit” – non-depositing of waste, selective sorting, water management, respect for the environment, etc.
  • Diversification of activities – promoting less frequented activities or lesser-known areas.
  • Development of ecological transport – hybrid or electric boats.
  • ZMEL (Light Mooring and Equipment Zone) project in Porquerolles, in progress, is supported by the National Park.

The signatories of the Boatmen’s Charter

TLV – https://www.tlv-tvm.com

The Boatmen of the French Riviera – https://www.bateliersdelacotedazur.com

Espace Mer – https://www.espacemer.fr

Atlantis – Sea trips – https://atlantide1.com

Latitude Verte – https://www.latitudeverte.fr

Les Bateaux verts – Gulf of Saint-Tropez – https://www.bateauxverts.com

Vedettes des Iles d’or & Le Corsaire – https://www.checkyeti.com/fr/p/3194/vedettes-iles-dor-le-corsaire

The boatmen of the harbor – https://www.lesbateliersdelarade.com/rade-toulon.html

Skipper boat rental – Hyères/Toulon – [email protected]



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