MP Aurélien Pradié leaves the Les Républicains party

MP Aurélien Pradié leaves the Les Républicains party
MP Aurélien Pradié leaves the Les Républicains party

MP Aurélien Pradié leaves the Les Républicains party

In an interview given to The Dispatchthe candidate for his re-election in the 1st constituency of Lot, believes that “LR is in an inextricable situation. Gaullism is not dead, it is more alive than ever but LR is dead”. He also says he will not run in the early legislative elections under the LR label under that of his micro-party ” Bravery “.

In open war with Eric Ciotti, LR president contested during the pension reform, he was dismissed from his position as vice-president of the party whose line he had criticized. Asked about a possible rallying with the presidential camp, the outgoing deputy from Lot assures that he “transact[a] with anyone, even if I believe in repentance, but we do not resolve problems with those who helped create them. Macronism has damaged the country because it has been incapable of changing the lives of the French.”

On the National Rally, Mr. Pradié is “persuaded” that the far-right party will not have an absolute majority but does not close the door to voting on texts supported by the RN: “You have to be able to vote for a text when it goes in the direction of the country, which I have always done, particularly in matters of immigration. »



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