Mercato RC Lens: A glimmer of hope in the Mikautadze file

Mercato RC Lens: A glimmer of hope in the Mikautadze file
Mercato RC Lens: A glimmer of hope in the Mikautadze file

The club management has just confirmed the arrival ofHervé Koffialthough it has been in effect for at least two months. Distinguish, Samba, Place, Fulgini, Thomason, Guilavogui, Abdul Samed are still in the departure room, but nothing filters on the real intentions of the players and the club.

In this climate of heavy wait-and-see, a small glimmer of hope comes to us this morning from the revelations of theTeamwho affirms that RC Lens would still be in the race concerning Georges Mikautadze.
Georgia is certainly playing its last Euro match this evening against Portugal, and at the end of it, the FC Metz striker will certainly communicate about his destination club. “I confirm that I will play in L1, it will soon be clear”, he announced to Georgian media on June 10. On June 18, he explained that he had made his decision, without mentioning the name of the elected club.

Pierre Dréossi is he on the verge of achieving a masterstroke? Exchanges did take place between the Monegasque club and Metz. A verbal agreement was even reached around €20M (plus bonuses of between €2 and €3M). The striker was able to speak with the director of football Thiago Dark and with the coach Adi Hütter. A five-year contract awaited him on the Rock.
But the L1 TV rights fiasco combined with the ongoing sale of the club has cooled things down. According to the sports daily, the lead acquired by the ASM has melted.
OL, the player’s training club, is no longer a possibility after the choice ofAlexandre Lacazette to stay at the club.
Lens, convinced of selling a few frames at a good price, would not let go of the file, with the certain advantage of Pierre Dréossiwho knows the player well. “Racing, although faced with a cost reduction decided by President Joseph Oughourlian, would now have a small chance in this very complicated matter.” can we read in theTeam This morning.



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