Interview. Tour de France 2024: a young woman from Nantes chosen as a caravan driver for Krys

Interview. Tour de France 2024: a young woman from Nantes chosen as a caravan driver for Krys
Interview. Tour de France 2024: a young woman from Nantes chosen as a caravan driver for Krys


Laura Gentil

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 9:49 a.m.

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The Tour de France begins this Saturday, June 29. This 111th edition promises to be exceptional, since for the first time the departure is in Italy, in the town of Florence. The finish will be just as unique, because instead of ending in Paris, the famous cycle race will end in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) due to the Olympic Games.

Tiphaine Desbois, 23 years old, student from Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire, near Nantes, will participate in this unforgettable experience. Interning in an event agency, Novabox, which participates in the organization of the Tour de France 2024, Tiphaine was selected to be a hostess on the Krys advertising caravan of the Tour de France 2024.

- : Did you like the Tour de France before participating? Is this a competition that you watch?

Tiphaine Desbois: Watching… Not really willingly (laughs). My dad watches the Tour de France a lot, we love sport in our family, so I watched with him. I have never attended a stage, it has never passed near my house.

How were you selected?

T.D. : I work at Novabox, which is an organizer of the Tour. I was given the opportunity to be a caravan driver following my internship. I found it super interesting to be able to go into the field. I was told this about a month after my internship ended.

What is a caravanner?

T.D. : These are the people on the advertising caravans. They spend two hours before the stage. Many brands have their tank, including Krys. The caravanners throw goodies, bucket hats, and accessories to the spectators at the side of the road and who are waiting for the stage. You rarely see us on TV.

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Is this Tour de France an exception for you or are you ready to start the experience again?

T.D. : I love sport, I want to work in sports events! So why not? The Olympic Games would be a dream but also great trails, famous races. I would very much like to help with their organization.

Tour de France caravans always look fun. What will yours look like?

T.D. : I’ll probably be on the car with a huge cyclist on the roof of the car. It’s almost 2.30m tall! There is also a tank with big Krys glasses on it. It’s very nice.

Tiphaine Desbois will ride in the Krys caravan at the 2024 Tour de France. (©Arthur Crbz / Wikimédia Commons)

What does the Tour de France mean to you?

T.D. : The Tour de France is all about the sporting values ​​that come from it: surpassing oneself, surpassing one’s limits… The stages in the mountains are incredible. These are also moments of sharing between athletes. It’s a support sport and a global event, I wanted to know behind the scenes. And not just what we see on television.

Is there a moment in the Tour de France that you are particularly looking forward to?

T.D. : It’s the arrival! It’s really unusual this year. It takes place in Nice! I can’t wait to see how it goes in this new place. The arrival is the consecration of the entire event. There will be a lot of excitement.

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