anger of the opposition over the trust created to allow the resumption of the BO

anger of the opposition over the trust created to allow the resumption of the BO
anger of the opposition over the trust created to allow the resumption of the BO

Biarritz Olympique once again occupied a large part in the debates of the Biarritz municipal council this Monday evening. During this session, elected officials were asked to vote on the transfer authorization…

Biarritz Olympique once again occupied a large part in the debates of the Biarritz municipal council this Monday evening. During this session, elected officials were asked to vote on the authorization of the transfer of the rights of the long-term lease placed in the common pot which is the trust and a modification of the scope of this same lease in order to include the Villa Rose. However, the method was not accepted by the opposition.

Main criticism: a lack of transparency before the mayor embarks on this path, even if a municipal decree gives her the possibility. “Why ask us to vote? reproaches Sébastien Carrère. This serves absolutely no purpose except to try to make us confirm this montage. » Nathalie Motsh continues: “We cannot vote with our eyes closed. It’s a trap to make us vote against and make us look like enemies of the club. »


Maider Arosteguy defended herself on the particularly tight context to find a solution: “This is an emergency rescue. » “It was four days with the sword of Damocles hanging over his head,” added his finance assistant, Édouard Chazouillères.

A general commission (closed meeting of elected officials to inform them of a specific question) on the subject was promised before the start of the school year. In the meantime, no details on investments in the stadium or on Pierre-Édouard Stérin’s projects have been revealed, despite questions from the opposition. The latter abstained from the transfer of lease rights and the modification of its scope.

On the other hand, after a suspension of the session, the vote for multi-year aid of 500,000 euros – in the form of an objective and means agreement – was unanimously validated at the same time as two grants of 50,000 euros for educational and violence prevention actions in stadiums.



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