feminist demonstrations against the far right in France this Sunday

feminist demonstrations against the far right in France this Sunday
feminist demonstrations against the far right in France this Sunday

Several processions marched in France this Sunday June 23, 2024 against the far right in anticipation of the legislative elections scheduled for Sunday June 30 and July 7. Demonstrations brought together 33,800 people (Paris included) in 53 gatherings in France, according to police sources relayed by theFrance Media Agency (AFP). The organizers counted three times as many.

In Paris, the demonstration by the “Feminist Alerts” association brought together between 13,000 people, according to the police headquarters, and 75,000, according to the organizers. The demonstrators, many wearing purple, the emblematic color of feminism, marched under the sun in the capital, at the call of more than 200 associations (Women’s Foundation, Family Planning, #Noustoutes, etc.), NGOs (Oxfam, France Terre d’Asile…) and unions (CGT, CFDT…).

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Toulouse, Rennes, Lyon, Strasbourg…

In the crowd, a majority of women but also men, even a few boys with their mothers, and signs “Marine is patron, Marine is Macron” or “machismo breeds fascism”. And in the sound system a hit from Clara Luciani, co-signer with several hundred artists of a platform calling for a barrier against the far right.

The leaders of the CFDT Marylise Léon and the CGT Sophie Binet also marched in Paris, like the Insoumise Clémentine Autain, the ex-minister Najat Vallaud Belkacem or the actress Corinne Masiero, noted journalists from theAFP. Also present, actress Judith Godrèche, committed against sexual and gender-based violence.

In Toulouse, between 880 people (prefecture) and 1,500 (organizers) demonstrated. There were 2,500 of them (according to police sources) in Caen and Lyon. Demonstrations also took place in Rennes (350 people, according to the prefecture) and Strasbourg (450 according to the prefecture).

The RN denounced this week « caricatures » et ” lies “. In a video addressed to “all the women of France”, its president Jordan Bardella accused Tuesday “the extreme left” of “assume a monopoly on women’s rights”.

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A Christian gathering at Les Invalides

The capital also saw a gathering of around 400 people in front of the Invalides, to protest against the extreme right, at the call of a collective of Christians mobilized on social and ecological issues, noted a journalist from theAFP.

On a stage set up at Place Vauban, in front of the Invalides dome, songs, prayers and speeches took place for two hours, for this gathering organized by the Justice and Hope collective.

“Racism, the hatred of believers on the pretext of their Jewish or Muslim faith are unacceptable for us Christians,” said Emmanuelle Seyboldt, president of the United Protestant Church of France (EPUdF, Lutherans and Reformed).

Among the spectators of all ages, Sophie Vandermeeren, a 54-year-old Catholic, toldAFP be “worried about the reception of immigrants, the culture” in the event of victory of the National Rally in the legislative elections. “The message of the Gospel is welcome. Setting conditions for this welcome is contrary to God’s message.” For his part, said Étienne, a 38-year-old Protestant.

Last Saturday, the parades against the far right at the call of the unions brought together between 250,000 (authorities) and 640,000 (CGT) people in France, including 75,000 to 250,000 in Paris.



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