Last weekend a cousinade took place in the village hall of Boulvé, commune of Porte-du-Quercy. Dominique Nadal took two years to do the genealogy, helped by Pierrette Delmouly, and for stewardship it was Michelle Delmouly who participated. Dominique Nadal's work was intense to reconstruct the genealogy which brings together four families: Nadal, Laroque, Delmouly and that of the four Gastal sisters. The research and constitution work, as Dominique Nadal explains, “was long and tedious due to the fact that the vast majority are of a certain age and do not live with the era of computers, the Internet, so much so that it was by telephone, mail or by traveling that the four families were able to be reconstituted starting in the 1840s.” A rich and highly appreciated work by all the participants in this cousinade which included around sixty people, some of whom got to know each other by exchanging and discovering their descendants, joyful moments full of anecdotes and memories. An afternoon full of memories.
A big thank you to Dominique Nadal for his involvement and who is already full of projects in his head so as not to forget the past.