Agen vice-champion of Regional 3

Agen vice-champion of Regional 3
Agen vice-champion of Regional 3

A few days ago, the Agenais Baseball Club played its first final for its first championship.

The BCA, 2nd in the regular ranking and, after its victory in the semi-final against the Échassiers du Porge, traveled to Montendre (17) to face the locals, the Drosers, 1st in the regular ranking and winner of their semi-final in the final. final against the Corsairs of Andernos.

On the program for this final, two or three matches. The title will be played out in the best of three matches.

Match n°1

A hotly contested meeting which kept its promises. It is the Drosers who receive and start in defense with their star pitcher Marc Dorais (undefeated this year). Facing him, it will be Noah Reix for the BCA, also very dominant this season. Well it will be a pitching game. Nine strikes out and four walks for the Charente pitcher and six strikes and five walks for the Agen pitcher, all in 1 hour 30 minutes and five innings of play.

On the offensive side, it’s the big hitters who will be the talk of the town. For the BCA, it was Salim Krentner and Nathanaêl Petit Frère who managed to hit two doubles. Associated with a few BBs from the Drosers, they will allow you to score points. But one of the Drosers’ big hitters, in the person of Kosta Coureaud, will achieve two superb Home Runs in the 3rd and 5th innings, bringing three points to the Drosers. Final score 3 to 2 for the locals. The Agenais, deprived of their manager Jérémy Krentner, expelled from the match for two matches following a dispute over two refereeing calls at the end of the 3rd round, will absolutely have to win match two to hope to play a match three.

Match n°2

It is the Agenais who receive and start with, as pitcher, Clément Juillia. Facing him for the Drosers is Mathis Delavie. Juillia will be heckled in the first inning and will concede three runs on a home run from Marc Doray, but will come out in four innings, a record of five strikes out and six walks, containing the Charente attack with only one additional point in the 4th. The Drosers pitcher will have more to do with the Agen strikers. Five strikes out and four walks, but above all five HP (batter hit by a throw giving first base automatically). And in the 4th inning, after Maxence Clémente’s triple, the on-base arrivals of Noah Reix and Salim Krentner on BB and HP, it’s Nathanaël Petit Frère who comes up to bat.

We will never find the ball. Home run for four points. “Grand Slam”, the best attack shot in baseball.

The BCA will take the lead and maintain its lead until the end of the match. Final score 10 to 9 for

the Agenais Baseball Club. Synonymous with 3rd and final match.

Match n°3

The Drosers host this 3rd meeting with Kosta Coureaud as pitcher. Facing him for the BCA is Salim Krentner. The Agenais will score one point in the first, two points in the 3rd and one point in the 4th inning. They will hit three singles: Arnaud Verhague, Noah Reix and Diégo Patureau. But the Drosers pitcher will manage well and channel the BCA power hitters with seven strikes out and three BBs. And the Drosers attack will hit hard in the 2nd inning with four runs and, in the 3rd inning with five runs, notably on a three-run home run from Mathieu Arrougé. Despite their point in the last round, the Agenais never came back and lost in this last match with a score of 9 to 4.

Between disappointment, that of a lost final, and the great satisfaction of having played the first season of its history brilliantly, the BCA returned to the Agen lands, vice-champion R3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine. They will play this Sunday, June 23 in Pineuilh, in Gironde, a play-off match for promotion to R2 next season against the penultimate in R2, the Limoges Sparks.

The BCA team was made up of Aurélien Aupee, Benjamin Bultel, Maxence Clemente, Julien Fernandes, Maxime Hafid, Clément Juillia, Salim Krentner, Gérôme Gomes Torres, Benjamin Lachaize, Kamel Loucif, Jefferson Lumby, Alexandre Michaud, Diego Patureau, Nathanaël Petit Frère, Noah Reix, Rémi Sarthou, William Sauvage and Arnaud Verhague. The manager is Jérémy Krentner. The 1st base coach is Christophe Garros. The 3rd base coach is Stéphan Dedieu.

If you are interested in Baseball, do not hesitate to contact the club via its dedicated Facebook page:



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