Duniému Bourobou, new director of La Machinerie – Théâtre de Vénissieux & Bizarre!

photo Emmanuel Foudrot

Duniému Bourobou has been appointed director of La Machinerie – Théâtre de Vénissieux & Bizarre! – Agreed scene of national interest in art and creation for urban and contemporary writing. She is currently director of studies at the École de la Comédie de Saint-Étienne.

Carrying out your voice, the Dunièmu Bourobou project was chosen by the City of Vénissieux, the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It is a continuation of the La Machinerie project, linking the Théâtre de Vénissieux and Bizarre! – Hip Hop Scene.

Always focused on urban and contemporary writing, the La Machinerie project will open up to new aesthetics: slam, musical literature, stand-up… It will make new languages ​​heard, new writings carrying unexpected and unheard stories. La Machinerie will also strengthen its support work by offering atypical and innovative training programs to support self-taught artists.

Duniému Bourobou wishes to offer several artists the opportunity to live in the Venetian territory; among them the author Diatty Diallo, the slammer and poet Lisette Lombé, the multidisciplinary artist Sean Heart and the dancer and choreographer Marlène Gobber. The Machinery project will thus continue to be part of a strong link to the territory and its inhabitants.

Dunièmu Bourobou will take up her position on September 1, succeeding Françoise Pouzache who was director of the Théâtre de Vénissieux and then of La Machinerie since 2011.



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