The municipal children’s council officially installed in Aix-les-Bains

The municipal children’s council officially installed in Aix-les-Bains
The municipal children’s council officially installed in Aix-les-Bains

The installation session took place Wednesday, June 19 at the end of the day at City Hall.

This young municipal council is made up of 42 elected children from all primary schools and the city’s medical-educational institute. The objective is for them to meet regularly to discuss subjects that directly affect them, such as the development of public spaces or the protection of the environment, while making them aware of their civic commitment from the earliest young age.

Details from the City of Aix-les-Bains:


• In 2019, the City of Aix-les-Bains decided to set up a Municipal Children’s Council, with the aim of raising awareness among younger generations about citizenship and strengthening their sense of belonging to our community.

• This innovative project was initiated as part of a participatory approach aimed at involving children in the life of the city and giving them the opportunity to express themselves, exchange ideas and propose concrete actions to improve their living environment.

• The Municipal Children’s Council, made up of 42 elected children from all primary schools and the city’s medical-educational institute, meets regularly to discuss subjects that directly affect them: the development of public spaces, the protection of the environment, solidarity with the most deprived…

• Throughout the meetings, the young municipal councilors were able to become aware of the importance of their civic engagement, the impact of their actions on the life of the community and the need to work together to build a common future.

• Thanks to this Municipal Children’s Council, young people from Aix were able to develop their sense of responsibility, their spirit of initiative and their ability to work collectively for the well-being of all. They thus strengthened their feeling of belonging to their city and became aware of their active role in building a more united and more democratic society.

For the 2024-2025 school year, 22 new advisorswho had applied (among 74 candidates, 40 girls and 24 boys) and who led a campaign to explain their motivations and projects, were elected last week within the establishments by CE2, CM1 and CM2 students , by direct vote in one round, with secret ballot (878 voters in total):

– 2 CE2 students from Lafin school
– 2 CE2 students from the Marlioz school
– 2 CE2 students from Franklin school
– 2 CE2 students from Saint-Simond school
– 2 CE2 students from the Sierroz school
– 2 CE2 students from Boncelin school
– 4 CE2 and CM1 students (2 +2) from the Liberty School
– 2 CE2 students from Choudy school
– 2 CE2 students from the Center school
– 2 CE2 students from Lamartine school
– 1 child from the IME
Parity is respected as best as possible between girls and boys.

CM1 students already elected in 2022 will continue their commitment for a second consecutive year, the mandate of the advisors being 2 years.


The educational objective for children is twofold:

o Allow learning of citizenship adapted to their age which involves familiarization with democratic processes (voting, contradictory debate, elections, general interest versus particular interests, etc.)

o Encourage project management by the children themselves, supported by the entire educational community.

Like a municipal council of adults, young elected officials must therefore think, discuss, decide and then carry out actions in the interest of the entire population, thus becoming actors in the life of the city, in the framework of the principles of republican values.

Educational objectives:

– Enable children and young people to be involved in a civic journey from a very young age.

– Propose a body that promotes the long-term expression, exchange and action of children and young people in project mode.

– Develop dialogue between elected officials and young people.

– Promote understanding of universal moral values ​​as well as the values ​​of the Republic.

– Allow young people to take responsibility by carrying out civic actions in the region using a dedicated budget envelope.
– Participate in the development of projects developed territorially and thematically.


• The assembly will meet for the first time in July to allow advisors who are in CM2 to present the projects they have worked on. Then from the start of the September school year once a month to reflect on different themes (particularly around Republican values), to work on individual and/or collective projects and to promote a civic journey.

• Every other time the sessions, which take place on Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., will be held in committee:
– solidarity commission
– environment commission (sustainable development, schoolyard, etc.)
– commission sport et culture
– citizens’ commission



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