Students “say they are concerned about their privacy and safety.” Quentin Coton, head of the UNI student union at Sciences Po, told our colleagues at Le Figaro Etudiant. And for good reason, at Sciences Po Paris, cameras hidden in the library toilets were discovered on two occasions.
The first device, spotted in mid-September, was a small white box, magnetized to the mirror of the unisex toilet, and oriented towards the bowl, details The Parisian. Once reported, the device was gone before police could analyze it. The management of Sciences Po immediately filed a complaint. “However, she preferred not to warn her students and teachers of the incident, so as not to worry them,” recalled Maxime Pontey, president of the Nova student union. And Inès Fontenelle, a Sciences Po student elected to the Student Union, added to the Parisian : “We were the first to inform the student community. »
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A new incident occurred on Friday: another camera was found, this time attached to the periodic protection dispenser. This camera, recovered by a student, was sent to the authorities for analysis. According to the first elements, it would be a connected camera capable of transmitting images live to a smartphone. The school then filed an additional complaint. “Research has already been launched throughout the premises and will now be systematized,” said the school management.
She then sent a message to her students, urging them to “increase vigilance” in the face of these acts described as “unacceptable”. She also recommended photographing and reporting any suspicious devices to the inspectors' office. Sciences Po assured that it had taken “all necessary measures” and offered psychological support to people who expressed the need.