Initiative Aveyron increases its place in the cogs

Initiative Aveyron increases its place in the cogs
Initiative Aveyron increases its place in the cogs

the essential
The network chaired by Guy Cayssials is showing new convincing results with nearly 3 million euros in loans granted in 2023.

The more the years pass, the more the Aveyron initiative network establishes itself as a “precious” cog in the departmental economy. In 2023 again, as was highlighted during the general meeting, the platform is showing clearly positive results. “We are more than 20% compared to 2022 with almost 3 million euros and more than 260 projects supported”, relates President Guy Cayssials. “Progression spread across the entire department”, we congratulate ourselves within the structure. As a result, 715 jobs were created or maintained and almost three million were hired.

200 volunteers, eight platforms in Aveyron

This success highlights in particular the good reputation of the platform among businesses and communities. “It is also due to the good coverage of the territory, which we cultivate. It is not simple because the network relies on nearly 200 volunteers spread across eight platforms, but the results are there. Each of the platforms has kept the ‘decision-making tool’.

A way of saying that there is a network within the network, and it works! “We are in a network department, we must take that into account. Then, we are fortunate to be able to be supported by the CCI. The president of the consular chamber, Dominique Costes, also praised the effective action of the network which relies on a real entrepreneurial dynamic in the department.”

In the presence of Serge Zaka

What makes Initiative Aveyron a platform noted at the level of Occitanie and also at the national level reacted the president of the CCI, recalling in passing the Aveyron priorities in terms of economy: “Transition, recruitment, skills development, and business transfer, particularly in rural areas” .

Projects in which the Initiative Aveyron network actively participates and by nature. This was demonstrated by the testimony of two business leaders who, as everyone was able to point out, would have had difficulty completing their project without the support of Initiative Aveyron. Namely Élodie septfonds who created her communications company five years ago in Espalion and Jean Kolle, who is developing an activity of importing cosmetic products manufactured in Benin with his company Wangoods.

If the Initiative Aveyron network’s approach works, that does not prevent it from questioning the relevance of the projects it supports. This is why it invited, for its general meeting, the speaker and founder of Agroclimat 2050, Serge Zaka. The latter will speak on the theme of the consequences of “climate change on the local economy”. The opportunity for the network to highlight the values ​​that drive it, and which make it successful!



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