Echoes of the Vaudois Parliament of June 18

Echoes of the Vaudois Parliament of June 18
Echoes of the Vaudois Parliament of June 18

The Vaudois deputies were in session this Tuesday, June 18, the penultimate session before the summer break. The deputies focused in particular on the responses to the reports of the Management and Finance Commissions, as well as the end of the first debate of the PAC Lavaux.

The Vaudois deputies met this Tuesday for a new session of the Grand Council. Return to some files dealt with by the plenum.

End of the first PAC Lavaux debate

After many hours of debate since the start of 2024 as well as an interruption of discussions for a return to committee, the file of the Lavaux cantonal allocation plan (PAC) was finally accepted in first debate by the deputies of the Grand Council this Tuesday . An important milestone, but only one step on a long road. It will indeed be necessary to go through a complementary investigation, before going to the second debate before the cantonal plenum.

This file, complex and unprecedented, will therefore have to come back to the Vaudois deputies of the Grand Council. Could this second debate modify the PAC guidelines? The response from the president of the Vaud government:

Return to the COGES report…

The deputies of the Grand Council looked this morning at the responses of the Council of State on the annual report of the Management Commission, COGES. Made up of 15 members, it must examine the current and past management of the government. Its president, Monique Ryf, explains her role to us:

No generalities to emerge from the file. But specific points, which have also been talked about in recent months.

In the end, COGES evaluated the responses of the cantonal government. Among them, the Commission accepted ten without comments, accepted eleven with comments and refused three. An average assessment according to the president of COGES, Monique Ryf:

This report from the Management Commission was the last from its president Monique Ryf, who will give way, from July 1, to her party colleague Oriane Sarrasin. The opportunity for a little assessment:

…and COFIN

Another report which occupied the deputies this morning, that of the Finance Commission (COFIN). The latter analyzes the State accounts for the previous fiscal year but also the draft budget for the following year.

Made up of 15 members, it issued four observations in its 2023 report which received a response from the cantonal government.

The president of the Finance Commission, PLR MP Florence Gross takes stock:

What face for the civil service?

Another subject addressed by the president of the Finance Committee, but this time with her MP hat on, the civil service. PLR deputy to the Grand Council Florence Gross asks questions to the Council of State on this subject. She reacts to the Vaudois response to the federal consultation on the modification of the federal law on civil service.

According to her, the cantonal government distances itself from the law proposed at the federal level, wanting greater freedom of choice and thus guaranteeing access to civil service.

A decision that does not suit Florence Gross, PLR deputy in the Vaudois Grand Council:

The questioning of the PLR ​​deputy comes at the same time as the announcement made this Monday by the canton: the Council of State and the umbrella organizations of the municipalities have opened “a phase of negotiations” on civil protection. Florence Gross says she is happy that this file is on the table, particularly among the municipalities, to try to stem the problem of loss of staff.



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