Republicans want to be the third way – News

The Republicans have officially presented the candidates who will be lined up in the six constituencies of Gard on June 30 and July 7. Faced with the extremes and at the same time Emmanuel Macron, they claim to be a credible alternative.

It was on June 18 that the Republicans presented the six candidates they had nominated in the six constituencies of Gard for the legislative elections of June 30 and June 7. The date is not trivial. It is the day of the appeal of General de Gaulle whose photo sits at the headquarters of the departmental section in Nîmes very close to that of Georges Pompidou, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy.

“The true right”

The moment was solemn when Franck Proust, the departmental secretary of the LR, alluded to these former presidents of the Republic of whom the party is today the heir, “the true right, that of values, the one which, in the face of the Lépine competition of false good ideas, can restore order at the borders, in the streets and in the accounts”.

Loumy Bourghol, candidate on the first.

Since the failure of François Fillon in 2017, this right has been in the doldrums. His scores continued to decline. Siphoned by Macronie, it has been in the middle of a crisis since its president Eric Ciotti joined the National Rally and no figure in the party, a few months before local elections, has risked going for scrap. But faced with the RN and LFI, the extremes that Richard Tibérino described as “plague and cholera”, facing at the same time Emmanuel Macron, “ the values ​​of Gaullism cannot be discussed and we will do everything to win”, assures Jean-Paul Fournier, the mayor of Nîmes.

Florent Grau, candidate in third.

Invested respectively in the first, third, fourth, fifth and sixth constituencies (Catherine Bolle, candidate for the second was absent for professional reasons), Loumy Bourghol, Florent Grau, Pierre Martin, Léa Boyer and Clément Stevant measure the scale of the task but say they believe in the surge and highlight their perfect knowledge of the land and its inhabitants.

a-martin.jpgPierre Martin candidate in the fourth.

Loumy Bourghol is a stylist in Nîmes and has been an activist since 2012. Catherine Bolle is a banking executive. Florent Grau is chief of staff to Pascale Borie, the mayor of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon. Pierre Martin is deputy mayor of Alès. Léa Boyer is also an Alesian elected official, departmental councilor and candidate for the third time in this election. Clément Stevant, student, collaborates with the elected representatives of the majority in the City and the agglomeration. “We want to run a campaign on our ideas and not to ask people to block them”says Florent Grau. “The objective is to allow voters to send elected officials who are anchored in the territories and who are not above ground”adds Pierre Martin.

No choice in the second round in the event of a Popular Front – National Rally duel

“There will be a surge”promises Franck Proust, who reserved his most virulent attacks for the popular front. “What common ground can there be between LFI and Carole Delga who wants to ally with people who are opposed to her motorway project between Castres and Toulouse for which she is fighting? “, asks the president of Nîmes Métropole who, on the other hand, paid tribute to Fabrice Verdier, president of the Pays d’Uzès community who is one of the rare socialists from Gard have expressed their refusal of the popular front.

a-boyer.jpgLéa Boyer, candidate in the fifth.

Asked about their position in the second round in the event of a Popular Front – National Rally duel, many suggested that they would not choose, specifying at the same time that they were not in control of the choice that their voters would make.


a-stevant.jpgClément Stevant, candidate for the sixth.



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