Unusual accommodation in Morbihan: cabins for hikers along the Nantes-Brest canal

Unusual accommodation in Morbihan: cabins for hikers along the Nantes-Brest canal
Unusual accommodation in Morbihan: cabins for hikers along the Nantes-Brest canal


Editorial Ploërmel

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 10:40 a.m.

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Cycle tourists and hikers now have a base in Montertelot (Morbihan), a small village of 360 inhabitants: unusual cabins of the Domaine de l’Oust’ellerie.

Each cabin is equipped with two single mattresses and a sheltered terrace with table and seats. At the rear, a shelter allows you to store two bicycles.

“There is a lot of bicycle traffic along the banks of the Nantes-Brest canal, the town must play with tourism to keep the town and its businesses alive. I hope that this development will be prosperous,” enthuses Nellie Jolivet, mayor of Montertelot.

Outdoor tourism is booming

Cyclops, Cyclone, Cyclamen and Cyclades, the names of the cabins, give a nod to the bicycle:

Itinerant practice has increased enormously in Brittany, and camping is the preferred mode of commercial overnight stay in the Region.

Nicolas Jagoudet, departmental advisor and vice-president of tourism of Ploërmel Community

Co-financed by the Brittany Region and Ploërmel Community, the municipality is responsible for maintenance: “These installations are a first phase of our work on homelessness and this type of accommodation throughout the Destination. Brocéliande” adds Ronan Coignard, president of the Destination.

According to Patrick Le Diffon, president of Ploërmel Communauté: “We needed a unique and practical proposition so that in Montertelot “we do not pass there but we come there” “.

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Rental is open from June to September at the rate of €10.35 (2 beds). Reservation on the town hall website: https://montertelot.fr/tourisme/To access the Domaine de l’Oust’ellerie, which is located near the motorhome area, follow the signs from the hall.

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