Dijon: after three months of work, the Burteur hotel was inaugurated

Dijon: after three months of work, the Burteur hotel was inaugurated
Dijon: after three months of work, the Burteur hotel was inaugurated


Inès Cussac

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 9:46 a.m.

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The new facade of the Burteur hotel of Dijon (Côte-d’Or) was revealed on Thursday June 13. This historic building on Rue de la Liberté, built around 1735 and classified as historical monumentswas inaugurated indicates France 3 Bourgogne.

120,000 euros of work

After three months of workcarried out in agreement with the Drac, the regional directorate of cultural affairs, aimed to repair the damaged parts of the facade “while respecting the spirit of the times construction,” explains the architect in charge of the site, Jean-Emmanuel Besson.

Nearly 120,000 euros were necessary for this major renovation. 65,000 euros were financed by the municipality and 26,000 euros by the State. The rest was contributed by the building owners.

Other work planned

A second wave of renovation should also begin during this year 2024. As part of a renovation plan, the house with three faces also located rue de la Liberté will be subject to major work.

In total, twenty new facades should be rehabilitated within three years.

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