“Welcome to my natural garden” returns to South Aveyron

“Welcome to my natural garden” returns to South Aveyron
“Welcome to my natural garden” returns to South Aveyron

This Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16, the 12th edition of the “Welcome to my natural garden” operation will take place. This national system, available in Aveyron for several years, allows 23 amateur gardeners to open their garden freely and freely for a weekend.

Passionate people committed to an environmentally friendly approach who will come and share their natural gardening techniques, “their innovative solutions to accelerate the ecological transition in the territories”.

“They do not use pesticides or chemical fertilizers and work in their garden to respect the soil, implementing rainwater recovery, mulching, cultivation on mounds, lasagna, false seedlings, crop rotation or association of beneficial plants “, details the CPIE which continues: “Although the sale and use of chemical pesticides have been prohibited to individuals since January 1, 2019, reducing the use of pesticides remains a necessity in view of their effects on human health and also on the environment, water, and biodiversity. As such, the garden constitutes a lever for citizen mobilization on important subjects: water savings, adaptation to climate change, preservation of biodiversity, integrated rainwater management, food sovereignty…”

For this new meeting, several South Aveyron residents responded to the call. Everyone can therefore go: to Millau, avenue l’Aigoual in the garden of Rémi Boutonnet (Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday morning) or of his neighbor market gardener, Sara Melki. Still in Millau, in the solidarity and shared garden of Secours catholique, rue Claude-Debussy or at Marie-Christine Cantagrel at number 500 route du causse Noir where a pretty path made of old tiles will take the public into this pleasure garden in the permaculture spirit. Finally, in Saint-André de Vézines, Francine Vergely will present, on Sunday, her square garden and vegetable patch which receives natural manure, mulch and rainwater.



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