Morocco lagging behind?

Morocco lagging behind?
Morocco lagging behind?

Morocco slipped one place to now find itself in 137th place out of a total of 146 countries, positioning itself among the bottom 10 countries on the list alongside Niger, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Iran and Sudan, among others, according to the 2024 edition of the Global Gender Gap report.

The Global Gender Gap Index, published by the World Economic Forum, is an annual benchmark that provides a detailed and up-to-date overview of gender parity, breaking down four fundamental dimensions, including economic participation and opportunity, access to education, health and survival, as well as political empowerment.

According to this pioneering index, which stands out as the oldest and most rigorous measurement tool, Morocco records a slight decline in terms of absolute performance compared to the previous year. It ranks 137th position for the year 2024, with a score of 0.628, which puts it at the bottom of the ranking alongside countries such as Niger, Algeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Guinea, Iran, Chad, Pakistan and Sudan.

In the detail of the sub-indexes, Morocco stands out with its best performance in the area of ​​political participation, placing it 85th in the world. On the other hand, in terms of education and levels of instruction, the country saw its position fall from 115th to 118th place in one year. It also ranks 141st in terms of participation and opportunity. In terms of economic participation, Morocco maintains its position at 114th place. As for access to health care, we observe a slight regression with the country ranking 131st globally, recording another decline.

The group of countries with the lowest levels of economic parity includes Bangladesh (31.1%), Sudan (33.7%), Iran (34.3%), Pakistan (36%), India (39.8%) and Morocco (40.6%). These economies all record less than 30% gender parity in terms of estimated income. Additionally, the level of parity in the labor force participation rate is below 50% for all countries cited, with the lowest point being 20.1% for Iran.“, reveals the clue.

And to add: “ However, the representation of women in the workforce is changing; gender parity in technical and professional roles exceeds 70% in seven economies (Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Kuwait, Lebanon and Israel), and is higher than the global average (40.5%) in Oman (43 .3%), Israel (46.7%) and Jordan (90.3%) for women in legislative, senior civil servant and management roles“.

In addition, the index indicates that in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the highest representation rates are reached in Tunisia (36.4%), Morocco (26.3%) and in Jordan (22.2%). At the parliamentary level, women occupy a higher proportion of roles in Egypt (27.7%) and Morocco (24.3%) compared to the rest of the region, but full parity in parliament is only achieved in the United Arab Emirates.



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