the new Popular Front announces having “sealed” a “government program”

the new Popular Front announces having “sealed” a “government program”
the new Popular Front announces having “sealed” a “government program”

“A page of French History is being written”. After four days of negotiations, the left-wing forces united in the new Popular Front announced Thursday June 13, 2024 that they had “sealed” A “government program”.

Follow political news live from this Thursday, June 13, 2024

“With a unique government program and candidacies in the constituencies of France, the political forces which constituted the new Popular Front are meeting the French on June 30 and July 7”write the PS, the PCF, the Ecologists and LFI in a joint press release, shared on the social network X.

“A political program of rupture”

“We worked on a political program of rupture with a variation for the first 100 days of the mandate, concrete and realistic proposals, so that the lives of French people change, really! »adds the press release.

Read also: Legislative: François Hollande says he is “favorable” to the agreement of the new Popular Front

“It’s historic”wrote about X Marine Tondelier, the leader of the Ecologists. “An immense expectation of union was expressed”, she added. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France insoumise, greeted him “a considerable political event in France”. “The commitment made is kept. Change is coming. Now let’s go! »declared for his part the communist Fabien Roussel.

A joint press conference should take place this Friday, June 14, with a primordial question still to be decided: who will embody this alliance. This union of the left comes two years after the creation of Nupes which, after much disagreement between its members, ended up breaking up after the Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023 in Israel.



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