one day after eventful at France Inter – Libération

one day after eventful at France Inter – Libération
one day after eventful at France Inter – Libération

Radio France

Article reserved for subscribers

With the departure of Thomas VDB, the resignation of another comedian and a stormy meeting between director Adèle Van Reeth and her teams, the repercussions of the columnist’s dismissal were still felt on Wednesday June 12 within the station.

It was a tense exchange that took place for an hour, around 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, in studio 621 of the Round House. The boss of France Inter Adèle Van Reeth had proposed to the station’s employees to reconsider the dismissal, the day before, of Guillaume Meurice by the management of Radio France to “repeated disloyalty”. “I know this stirs up a lot of emotion and raises a lot of questions,” wrote Adèle Van Reeth to her teams on Tuesday. Since the comedian’s dismissal began in early May for repeating his controversial joke about Benjamin Netanyahu, she had refrained from commenting on the subject so as not to disrupt the procedure. There, it was then the opportunity to exchange freely, in particular to ensure that the “freedom of expression and humor will never be called into question on the air of France Inter”, said a person close to management.

Opposite, around a hundred Inter employees, journalists, producers (including Fabienne Sintès and Rebecca Manzoni who spoke), technicians, some very upset. The exchange then turned to “dialogue of the deaf”, as indicated in Release several witnesses. “The arguments of management, on the fact that Guillaume Meurice is fired for disloyalty and



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