Abandoned by insurance companies, a town in Meurthe-et-Moselle lowers the curtain

Abandoned by insurance companies, a town in Meurthe-et-Moselle lowers the curtain
Abandoned by insurance companies, a town in Meurthe-et-Moselle lowers the curtain

The town of Mont-Saint-Martin, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, will find itself without insurance at the end of the month.

Hard hit by the riots last summer, it cannot find any organization willing to protect its buildings.

A TF1 team attended the “dead city” operation organized this Tuesday.

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The 1 p.m.

In Mont-Saint-Martin (Meurthe-et-Moselle), no one has forgotten the riots of June and July 2023. The city is today the scene of a “dead city” operation. “We decided to react before it was too late“, explains its mayor, Serge de Carli, wishing”to alert“on the situation”ubiquitous” which sees the municipality risking losing its insurance on June 30.

Following the riots which affected this town of 10,000 inhabitants bordering Luxembourg in June and July 2023, the town’s insurer, Groupama, notified it in August of the non-renewal of its insurance contract on January 1. A six-month extension was then recorded, but this deadline ends on June 30. For the residents, questioned in the TF1 subject above, it is “double punishment” : “No one understands this position of insurers”, said one of them.

19 days to find a solution

A public procurement procedure was launched via a call for applications, but the municipality received no response. A problem facing the ransacked classrooms which, today, are symbolically unoccupied. “If a ceiling falls or something, how do we do it, since there’s no insurance?”asks a resident in the 1 p.m. topic. “Parents did not run the risk of sending their children to school.” Without insurance, a solidarity grocery store could close, the hospital’s activity would also be impacted, because births and deaths must be declared to the town hall’s civil registry.

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The rioters had broken everything and the town was reaching the end of its insurance contract. The 30 municipal cars, the 150 employees and the 35 buildings will soon no longer be insured: “We are being placed in an incredible situation”, laments Mayor Serge de Carli to TF1. Mont-Saint-Martin has 19 days left to find a solution. Otherwise, deplores the city councilor, “I close everything”.

The editorial staff of TF1info | TF1 report: Guillaume Gruber and Vincent Ruckly



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