Road safety: Somme gendarmes intensify checks after three deaths on the roads in one week

The Somme gendarmes want to crack down to avoid tragedies. “We have intensified road checks after an increase in accidents in recent days in the department”, announced Monday June 10 Captain Yoann Descamps, number 2 of the departmental road safety squadron. Three people died on the roads in one week in the Somme, “avoidable accidents each time with the behavior of road users involved”, confirms the soldier.

The driver of the truck was flashed at 107 km/h instead of 80 km/h on the D1029 east of Amiens. © Radio France
Sarah D’hers

The police have more control speeding, blood alcohol content Or drugs while driving, priority refusals, and phones while driving “if we don’t take action, motorists will not respect the highway code”, adds the captain given the limited effectiveness of prevention. During an unexpected check this Monday on the D1029 east of Amiens, a driver had his driving license confiscated. The motorist was driving at 134km/h instead of 80km/h between Amiens and Villers-Bretonneux, well beyond the authorized speed.


“One death on the roads is too many”

A woman in her fifties died on Monday June 3 in a road accident in the east of the Somme, near Eppeville on the departmental 930. Her car hit a heavy goods vehicle. Two days later, a motorbike and a car collided in Bovelles, the motorcyclist did not survive. In all, three fatal accidents in one week,”one death on the roads is too many, and it is to avoid them that we are here, every day”underlines Chief Quartermaster NORMAND.

According to the road safety barometer in the departmentthe balance sheet amounts to 11 deaths in the first quarter of 2024compared to 4 at the same period in 2023.



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