Legislative: with Sébastien Seguin and other candidates, the cards reshuffled in the 12th of the North

Legislative: with Sébastien Seguin and other candidates, the cards reshuffled in the 12th of the North
Legislative: with Sébastien Seguin and other candidates, the cards reshuffled in the 12th of the North

Barely had the dissolution of the National Assembly been pronounced when Michaël Taverne, deputy since 2022 in the 12e Northern constituency, already announced the color: he will indeed be a candidate to become one again on July 7. But who will stand against the National Rally deputy, who seems stronger than ever?

The four main candidates of 2022, Malik Yahiateme, Claude Dupont, Michaël Taverne and Anne-Laure Cattelot. PHOTO ARCHIVES SAMI BELLOUMI

This is the great uncertainty. Because of the 2022 casting, there aren’t many people left. Anne-Laure Cattelot, outgoing LREM deputy at the time, is still a municipal councilor in Avesnes-sur-Helpe. It is Sébastien Seguin, mayor of Avesnes and departmental councilor, who takes over this year, to try to beat the National Rally, as he announced this Monday evening. An application to which we will return. “ The battle is not for lack of wanting to fight it but I have just been a mother again. I have every confidence in Sébastien Seguin, whom I will ardently support, to represent the territory. Sébastien and I are made of the same wood. He is someone reliable, authentic. I will put all my energy behind him. I believe in his ability to talk to people. Going to the assembly and raising your hand is not enough. »

Will the Republicans also support him, even though they had appointed Claude Dupont, mayor of Boussières-sur-Sambre, in 2022 and he does not intend to return there? “ I’m 71 years old, I don’t want to bother with this anymore, it’s too complicated. And then I don’t understand politics anymore. Besides, I’m no longer accepted anywhere. »

Who on the left?

In 2022, a psychodrama arose around the NUPES candidacy, which after the national agreements, was attributed to rebellious France. If the local authorities of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement had nominated Aurélien Motte, it was ultimately Malik Yahiateme who had won the nomination. A Lille resident from Jeumont. A decision which led to a split among local activists, some of whom have since founded the Sambre Avesnois standing movement. Before the agreements, like Elisabeth Saint-Guily, invested by EELV, Hugo Georges, elected communist from Aulnes, was ready to go. Will it be that of the union of the left, if it arrives, in the 12e constituency? “I am waiting for national decisions because the priority is to succeed in bringing about unity, whatever happens. I will do my part to make the voice of the territory heard.” “The priority is that we are united and that we try not to have another RN deputy, but the task is tough. I’m waiting for news, I’m open to discussions.” indicates Elisabeth Saint-Guily.



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