The president of the Marne firefighters resigns for “personal and health reasons”

The president of the Marne firefighters resigns for “personal and health reasons”
The president of the Marne firefighters resigns for “personal and health reasons”

Seven months after resigning, already “for health reasons”, from his position as deputy mayor of Oger (commune of which he was mayor for more than thirty years), Pascal Desautels suddenly ended, Friday afternoon, his responsibilities at the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) of the Marne, which he had presided over for six years.

He announced it during a meeting at SDIS, to everyone’s surprise. The Department, the supervisory authority, was itself informed at the last minute.

“Unfailing dedication”

To explain this sudden departure, our interlocutors return to possible possibilities “internal difficulties” (tensions with the SDIS management) and “health problems”. Contacted, Pascal Desautels told L’Union “personal and health reasons”.

In a press release, the Department welcomes “exemplary commitment” and the “unfailing dedication” of the one who today occupies his 10e vice-presidency. “Under his leadership, the SDIS was able to meet numerous challenges and strengthen its intervention capabilities. »

“I will discuss with the prefect and I will appoint his successor on Monday”

Jean-Marc Roze

The president of Marne Jean-Marc Roze underlines his “sense of duty (…): thanks to its work, the SDIS de la Marne is today a model of efficiency and professionalism. » Contacted, he adds that Pascal Desautels had recently appeared to him “very tired”.

In November 2017, he succeeded Charles de Courson, president of the SDIS for a quarter of a century. Appointed by Christian Bruyen, he was reappointed in 2023 by Jean-Marc Roze. The latter plans to replace it quickly. “I will discuss with the prefect, the other supervisory authority of the firefighters, and I will appoint his successor on Monday”announces Jean-Marc Roze.



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