Dozens of Israeli tech startups have received invitations to join meetings to become Israel’s “digital soldiers.”

It is common knowledge that the United States uses the veto power in the UN Security Council to block resolutions critical of Israel. This American protection reduces international pressure on Israel regarding its war crimes.

The influence undertaken by pro-Israeli lobbying acts on members of the American Congress to adopt rhetoric which supports Israel’s right to kill and to show the arm of honor to the international community. Under influence, members of Congress downplay human rights violations and allegations of war crimes against Israel.

AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is one of the most powerful pressure groups in the United States. Through his permanent action, he influences politicians in both Houses to support Israel in matters of military and economic aid. Various PACs (Political Action Committees) also play a vigorous role in supporting Israel. Influence is achieved through financial contributions to the election campaigns of members of Congress, paid trips and conferences, and other more persuasive actions.

These groups provide information and organize training courses to convince legislators to support the positions of the Zionist state. In this area, transparency and ethics are like the ways of the Lord, they are inscrutable. Calls for better regulation to ensure that these influences do not undermine independent decision-making by legislators have gone unanswered. Last year, according to the New York Times (NYT) of June 5, a more specific secret operation was initiated. It targets lawmakers and the American public to chloroform them about what is happening in Gaza.

The Israeli Diaspora Ministry, a government agency that connects Jews around the world to the State of Israel, ordered the operation. Dozens of Israeli tech startups have received invitations to join meetings to become Israel’s “digital soldiers.” During the war they will lead digital campaigns on behalf of the country. This involves posing as fictitious American students, using fake social media accounts, urging American lawmakers to fund the Israeli military.

According to the NYT, the campaign is focused on more than a dozen members of congress with a budget of 2 million US dollars. A political marketing company in Tel Aviv is responsible for carrying out propaganda distribution. Hundreds of fake accounts pretend to be Americans on X, Facebook and Instagram to publish pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic comments where the exploitation of anti-Semitism is used at will.

The accounts are focused on black and Democratic American legislators like the senator from Georgia or the parliamentary minority representative from New York to encourage them to continue funding the Israeli army. Chat GPT and Gemini, the AI-powered chatbots, were used to generate thousands of pro-Israel posts. Israel shows once again that even interference in the sovereignty of the United States and other states does not impose any barriers on it.

The proof: Netanyahu, under international arrest warrant, addressed French people in France on a French national channel in a French presidential style to associate them with his crimes. “Our victory is your victory,” he said to an all-hearing France.



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