After the major floods in Haute-, tons of wood to be evacuated to the Lavalette dam

After the major floods in Haute-, tons of wood to be evacuated to the Lavalette dam
After the major floods in Haute-Loire, tons of wood to be evacuated to the Lavalette dam

Among all the consequences of the Lignon flood, Thursday October 17, the Lavalette dam collected an impressive quantity of wood, carried by the waters of the river.

Even if the dam has not completely filled (the flood gates having already been open for months), the wood accumulated by the waters of the Lignon has been stored in the coves of the reservoir. Among them, that of the Lavalette sailing base in Lapte.

Tons of driftwood or torn wood, but also some miscellaneous waste, landed in this calm part of the reservoir. So much so that launching fishermen's boats has become complicated, if not impossible. “We alerted Saint-Étienne Métropole, owner of the dam, of the situation. We would have to do as in Grangent in the (much more considerable quantities of wood have accumulated there, editor's note) and be able to put a barge on the reservoir to clean everything, explains Jean-Paul Aulagnier, president of the joint union of the dam of Lavalette, we hope to have an answer soon. »

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Wood also accumulated near the dam wall, but in less quantity, on the right bank of the Lignon. “We will also see how to restore the beach, which is subject to strong washouts during bad weather, given the low level of the reservoir for a good part of the year,” notes the president of the union. A real small stream flowed on the beach on October 17, digging a trench in the sand.

This year, the sailing base did not have to suffer too much from cyanobacteria during the swimming season, except at the end of August. On the other hand, a strong gust of wind in July destroyed the lifeguard's cabin and several fallen trees prevented access to the path which goes around the dam, as well as below Montjuvin. Despite these hazards, “the season was relatively good” analyzes Jean-Paul Aulagnier.

Lionel Ciochetto



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