Marne: commemoration of General de Gaulle’s appeal of June 18, 1940 in this historic town

Marne: commemoration of General de Gaulle’s appeal of June 18, 1940 in this historic town
Marne: commemoration of General de Gaulle’s appeal of June 18, 1940 in this historic town


Editorial Coulommiers

Published on

June 7, 2024 at 10:06 a.m.

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Étienne Dhuicqmayor of Montmirailinvites the population to participate in the demonstration organized on the occasion of the 84e birthday of thehistorical call of General de Gaulle of June 18, 1940.

The gathering will take place at 11 a.m. sharp, at the cantonal war memorial for a wreath laying. Veterans and various associations are particularly invited there with their flags.

Founding act of resistance to the Nazis

Even if some believe that resistance to the Nazis began before the outbreak of the Second World War, after the collapse of the French armies, General de Gaulle called on the French to resist again and again against the invader. Launched from the BBC, the British broadcaster, his appeal of June 18, 1940 was, however, little heard in France, due to the limited number of radio stations among the French population. However, history will have remembered that this call marked the starting point of resistance against the oppressor.

This text begins with these galvanizing words: “The leaders who, for many years, have been at the head of the French armies have formed a government. This government, claiming the defeat of our armies, contacted the enemy to stop the fighting. Certainly, we have been, we are, overwhelmed by the mechanical, land and air force of the enemy. Infinitely more than their numbers, it is the tanks, the planes, the tactics of the Germans which are pushing us back. It was the tanks, the planes, the tactics of the Germans that surprised our leaders to the point of bringing them to where they are today. But has the last word been said? Should hope disappear? Is the defeat final? » General de Gaulle’s conclusion is obvious: “No! »

This call, and some variations, were then regularly rebroadcast by the BBC.

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