European elections: what are the expectations of farmers in Creuse?

European elections: what are the expectations of farmers in Creuse?
European elections: what are the expectations of farmers in Creuse?

Which Europe for farmers? THE European elections are approaching. The vote will be held this Sunday, June 9, 2024. Agriculture is a central point of European policy. Several parties are proposing to overhaul the common agricultural policy. What do the first people concerned in Creuse think?

Farmers penalized by the reform of the common agricultural policy

The CAP (common agricultural policy) has already been reformed since last year. For Christian Arvis, president of the FDSEA of Creuse, certain farmers are disadvantaged by these modifications: “I think there are things to improve, we see it with the payment of European aid, there is no positive note for cattle breeding. The Creuse farm lost money compared to the previous reform, there is a shortage of between 5 and 6 million euros in agricultural policy aid in this department compared to the previous CAP.

In the Creuse, there is a lack of European aid for organic farmers : “they are the most penalized in the first year of CAP payment “continues the union representative.

Less restrictive European standards

Among the expectations of the FDSEA 23, there is harmonization of standards between countries in order to avoid reducing unfair competition.

Many farmers lift the weight of European standards in their daily lives. In Viersat, Didier Dhume grows corn. Right now, the ground in his field is completely wet. To be able to sow, he would need to plow but a European rule prevents him from doing so : ” exceptionally I had used glyphosate, from the moment you use glyphosate, you can no longer plow. What is unfair is that certain countries have the right to plow after glyphosate has been applied.”

I am for Europe, I simply think that it must adapt to the context of each country and production” concludes the Creuse farmer who recalls that States are free to adapt European laws.



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