Nausea, headaches… Schoolchildren from Marne affected by serial illnesses

Nausea, headaches… Schoolchildren from Marne affected by serial illnesses
Nausea, headaches… Schoolchildren from Marne affected by serial illnesses

Thursday, Friday and even this Monday, June 3! For several days, primary school students at the Fère-Champenoise school (Marne), southwest of Châlons-en-Champagne, have been feeling unwell while going to the canteen.

It all started on Thursday, May 30, when around twenty students and an adult who accompanied them to the canteen suffered severe headaches and unbearable nausea, reports The union. Some are placed on oxygen in the schoolyard then hospitalized in Romilly-sur-Seine, around forty kilometers away, for additional examinations.

The carbon monoxide trail

Rebelote Friday May 31, with new discomforts. In total, 80 students suffered from these symptoms at the end of last week. Analyzes are then ordered to try to determine its origin.

The story does not end there. This Monday morning, nineteen students aged between 6 and 11 and one adult were, in turn, affected by the same symptoms. The services of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) traveled to the site.

In the afternoon, the carbon monoxide trail was confirmed by the prefecture. Of the 170 children tested, around sixty of them had too high a CO2 level in their blood. Firefighters are now looking for the Source of the problem. This Tuesday, June 4, the air quality monitoring teams, Atmo, are expected on site.

School closed

The mayor of the town, in agreement with the National Education services, decided to allow the establishment to close. Temporary reception solutions will be offered.

“It’s a social need. Not all parents can keep their children, assures the Union Emmanuel Aubert, sub-prefect of the district of Épernay. The elementary school is closed and the nursery school will close this evening (Monday) to ensure maximum safety. » A listening cell will be set up for children, aged 6 to 11, this Tuesday. 



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