Lucas Blanchard, a “bridge” between high school and businesses

Lucas Blanchard, a “bridge” between high school and businesses
Lucas Blanchard, a “bridge” between high school and businesses

There are professions whose existence we do not even suspect, let alone their relevance. Discovery of that exercised by Lucas Blanchard.

At the Diderot high school, it is on the Franchises site, a stone’s throw from the hotel section, that Lucas Blanchard has a large and bright office. A space he has occupied for only a few months. “At the last school year, the Ministry of Education opened 1,500 positions in France, including 30 in the Reims Academy; as part of the reform of the professional path. Recruitment took place in the school environment (teachers, CPE, etc.), but also in the private sector where I come from. I applied, and I’m here today! », rejoices the young man.

Mutual trust

But then what is the mission of the head of the business office? First of all, it is a matter of maintaining partnership relationships with companies and creating new ones by looking for structures that are not yet partners, so that students in the hotel section and the careers sector of the transport find the best possible internship locations.

An important notion when we know that in Bac pro, a student spends twenty-two weeks, over three years, in a company! It is therefore necessary to establish a climate of mutual trust between the school environment, students and the world of work, in order to build strong links and thus perpetuate established relationships. This makes it possible, among other things, to help students who cannot find companies that can accommodate them on their own.

Good attitudes

In addition, Lucas also intervenes directly with the students. “I advise them through small workshops designed to give them the keys to interpersonal skills, the steps to take, the behaviors to adopt,” specifies Lucas Blanchard. The way you look for an internship, how you present yourself in a company, the appropriate language when dealing with a boss, the style of clothing to favor, but also the appropriate physical posture… are all small, basic things that can facilitate human relations. Workshops done in a fun spirit, in the form of role plays for example.

A pivotal job. –

A position which still has many other facets, more obscure, but just as essential. Indeed, the young man has at the same time a large administrative burden with the drafting of agreements linking the high school, the students and the companies, the monitoring of remuneration (because since this year each student has received, from the State, a small daily allowance during internships)… Less pleasant, Lucas must also iron out the small sticking points or misunderstandings likely to tarnish relations between young people and the world of work.

Well established in the territory

A mission and above all a location that delights Lucas, a pure “local product” as he likes to remind us: “Originally from Langres, I then left for Dijon to study. I was aiming for a master’s degree in order to be a PE teacher. Unfortunately I didn’t succeed. » He then worked as coordinator of the commission to combat school dropouts in Chaumont, but seconded to Langres, at the Diderot high school.

In a year and a half, he was able to appreciate the work done by the professional section. When the position opened, Lucas didn’t procrastinate for long! A decision all the easier to make as his investment, particularly in the associative world, and his numerous contacts, have given him a good knowledge of the territory and its stakeholders. Not insignificant notions when we think that we must create links between one hundred and fifty students

and around a hundred companies.

At a time when we are becoming more and more aware of the value of work and the importance of the professional sector, Lucas’ position reveals its full meaning. And surely even more if we want to give young people from Haut-Marne the opportunity to stay in the department!



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