In (and particularly in Haute-Garonne), the number of unemployed is increasing

The figures for the last quarter of 2024 from the Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity (DREETS) concerning job seekers (i.e. people registered with Travail, formerly Pôle Emploi) have fallen.

The number of job seekers in Occitanie has increased

In Occitania, “in the third quarter of 2024, the number of job seekers required to look for work and without activity (category A*) stands on average over the quarter at 305,420“, reveals the service. And to specify that this number increased by 1.3% over the quarter (i.e. +4,060 people compared to the second quarter) and 0.7% over one year since 303,370 individuals were unemployed and required to look for work in the third quarter of 2023.

As for the number of “job seekers required to look for work, whether or not they have exercised an activity (categories A, B, C*), stands on average at 549,990 in the third quarter of 2024“. Either an increase of 0.7% over the quarter (+ 3,820 people) and 1.0% over one year.

Job seekers in categories A and A, B, C in Occitanie. © DREETS Occitanie

The Haute-Garonne department is not spared, on the contrary!

As indicated in the documents shared by DREETS, in the third quarter of 2024, in Occitanie, the changes over the quarter in the number of job seekers in category A are between – 0.5% in Lozère and + 3.6%. in the Gers with the Haute-Garonne (+ 2.1%, which is equivalent to 69,190 people concerned compared to 67,790 in quarter 2) and Tarn-et-Garonne (+ 3%, which is equivalent to 13,250 people concerned). Over one year, they are between -2.8% in Aveyron and + 3.8% in Haute-Garonnewith an average of +0.7% for the region (compared to +0.1% for France).

The changes in the number of job seekers in categories A, B and C are, on the other hand, between – 1.0% in Hautes-Pyrénées and + 1.6% in Haute-Garonne for developments over a quarter. Over a yearthey are between -2.2% in Ariège and + 3.4% in Haute-Garonne, with more than 129,000 Haut-Garonnais looking for work.

Men barely more affected than women

A quarterly increase, in category Ad’1.6% for men (representing 156,140 people compared to 153,720 in the previous quarter) and 1.1% for women (i.e. 149,380 compared to 147,640 three months ago). On the other hand, the number of job seekers in category A decreased in Occitanie by 0.1% for those under 25 (there are 44,130), but increased by 1.5% for those aged 25 to 49. (there are 174,060) and 1.8% for those aged 50 or over (there are 87,230).

On the side of job seekers in categories A, B and Cthe number increased by 0.9% for men (there are now 267,200) and 0.5% for women (there are now 282,790)0.8% for those under 25 (there are 71,000 compared to 68,790 in the third quarter of 2023), 0.7% for those aged 25 to 49 (there are 324,200) and 0.7% for those aged aged 50 or over (there are 754,290).


How many have been registered for more than a year?

In Occitania, over one quarter, the number of job seekers registered in categories A, B and C for less than a year increased by 1.1% (there are now 306,840 registered) and that of those registered for a year or more increased by 0.2% (or 243,150 people):

  • From 1 year to less than 2 years: 107,460
  • From 2 years to less than 3 years: 49,000
  • 3 years or more: 86,690

The reasons for the entry and exit of job seekers

Over the last three months, 10,790 inhabitants of Occitanie have made their request due to the end of their contract, 2,250 due to the end of their temporary assignment, 2,690 for resignation, 4,070 for contractual termination and 750 for economic dismissal.

Conversely, 7,640 found a job, 5,740 applied for an internship or training, 4,700 stopped looking (illness, maternity, retirement, etc.)

*Category A : job seekers required to look for work, unemployed; Category B : job seekers required to look for work, having carried out a short reduced activity (78 hours or less over a month); Category C : job seekers required to look for a job, before carrying out reduced activity (more than 78 hours in one month); Category D : job seekers not required to look for work (due to training, illness, etc.); Category E : job seekers not required to look for work, in employment (for example, beneficiaries of subsidized contracts, business creators).

>> READ ALSO: In Occitanie, the unemployment rate has decreased in all departments, except one!



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