“I am an activist and I will remain so”

“I am an activist and I will remain so”
“I am an activist and I will remain so”


Nicolas Segura

Published on

Oct 28, 2024 at 6:04 p.m.

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“I believe it is now time to hand over. »

After three terms as mayor of La Ferrière-aux-Étangs (Orne), Vincent Beaumont decided not to run again during the next municipal electionsplanned for 2026.

“No one is irreplaceable”

“It’s my wish the most expensive,” declares the one who is also a community elected official in Flers Agglo.

No one is irreplaceable. I think I did good things. I have no doubt that I have made worse ones.

Vincent Beaumont, mayor of La Ferrière-aux-Étangs

Almost 68 years old, the councilor wants to live another life“after that of elected official, which remains very gratifying. If in communities like ours, we can, and I have seen this in 18 years, move things forward very concretely like Place Buron, it is a success. »

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If some consider that 69 years old is young enough to start another mandate, that is not my case. I want to be able to enjoy my family.

Vincent Beaumont

He continues: “I am not going to stay to continue this or that project, you have to know how to be reasonable. »

The mayor will remain “involved until the last day”

Handing over is not not always easy for a mayor: “I'm not going to say that I will miss going to town hall, but I will have to agree to move on. »

He concludes: “Engagement on certain subjects such as medical demography has always fascinated me, I am a militant and I will remain so. I will be involved until the last day of my mandate. I will always be available to lend a hand and give advice. »

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