a motorist at the bar

a motorist at the bar
a motorist at the bar


Les Sables editorial staff

Published on

Oct 28, 2024 at 1:46 p.m.

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A motorist was heard on Thursday October 24, 2024 by the Sables-d'Olonne court following to a fatal accident that occurred on March 24.

On the civil parties' bench, the victim's parents, brothers and sisters are devastated. Just like the many young people, school friends, who took their place in the courtroom. At the center of this criminal trial: understanding how this 18-year-old died in this road accident.

On Sunday March 24, on the Les Sables – Talmont axis, a 40-year-old motorist was at the wheel of his vehicle. His son is in the passenger seat. He leaves his sister's house, he is parked in a parking space in front of the house. He puts on his left indicator, which is not disputed by a witness, a scooter driver.

He is not heading towards the roundabout upstream, but decides to turn around on the road to return to the Sands. It is 5:30 p.m. Visibility is good on this portion of the straight line. It's a shock » appalling » qHappens: a motorcyclist hits the left front of the car.

Riding the machine, a young man aged 18, a student at Savary-de-Mauléon high school, was seriously injured. “Polytraumatized and in a coma”, indicates the presiding judge Yannick le Goater. He was transported in absolute emergency to the city's hospital center. A transfer to the University Hospital will even be considered. It will not take place: At the end of the night the young man died of his injuries.

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Speed ​​and inattention singled out

First element, the speed of the biker. The scooter driver indicated that she was traveling at 45 km/h. The bike overtook her “very quickly, maybe 100 – 110 km/h”. The driver claims “to have seen the scooter, but not the motorcycle. »

The president presents the findings of the accident expert. At the time of the collision, “the estimated speed of the motorcycle is 75 km/h, that of the car, 13 km/h”.

The floor is given to the parents. They both read a touching letter introducing their son:

“We are bikers. He was careful, he knew the pitfalls of the road. The configuration was very good, it was the inattention of the motorist who took our son away from us. »

For the civil party, “even if he had driven at 100 km/h, taking into account the configuration, the accused should have seen the motorcycle arriving. It was this inattention that caused the tragedy.”

Simple reprieve required

Same conclusion for the public prosecutor Eric Bret:

“Regardless of the speed, the motorist did not take all the necessary precautions when taking the road. »

On the criminal aspect, the lack of attention is retained. No trace of alcohol or narcotics was noted, nor any history for the driver who has all his points. The requisitions relate to a suspended prison sentence for a period to be fixed by the court.

The defense argument is the opposite:

“This accident is due to the behavior of the motorcyclist, his speed is to blame.”

Release is pleaded.

The court will deliver its deliberations on November 28.

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