Quebec and Canada facing Trump’s fascism

Quebec and Canada facing Trump’s fascism
Quebec and Canada facing Trump’s fascism

We can tell stories and believe that Kamala Harris will be elected president of the United States next week.

But the polls are in favor of Donald Trump.

In the poll average, Trump leads with 0.1% more votes than Harris. At the same time in 2016, Hillary Clinton was ahead of Trump by 5.6%. In 2020, Joe Biden distanced Trump by 7.4%.

Given the pro-Democrat bias given by polling companies and given the difficulty for Democratic voters to vote in many Republican-governed states, the outcome of the election seems inevitable.

After distribution, Trump should receive the support of 312 voters, while Harris would only have 226.

Unless there is a miracle or an incredible failure of the polling houses, the game is over. Trump will win the election, probably with a narrow majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

From then on, Trump will be able to apply his fascistic, even fascist, program.

Fascist program

Trump has said he intends to appoint Elon Musk to head an office whose goal will be to dismantle the federal government as much as possible to centralize power in the White House.

This centralization of powers will be achieved, among other things, by decreeing that around 50,000 key civil servant positions are political positions. These officials will therefore depend for their appointment and for their dismissal on the exclusive will of the American president.

For months, Trump has been selecting this army of 50,000 yes-men.

Trump also wants to break down the opposition, both in the media and in political parties, with recourse to the military and the justice system.

Trump has promised to deport millions of illegal immigrants.

He wants to bring down the US dollar exchange rate to boost exports.

He also wants to apply tariffs of 10% on all imported products and he promises tough conditions for Canada to renew the free trade treaty with it.

Finally, he is moving towards a policy of isolationism.

Consequences in Quebec and Canada

Canada and Quebec are very open to ideas coming from the United States. We will therefore be subject to powerful ultraconservative and even fascist pressure.

Canadian exporters will also be seriously disadvantaged by the new American economic policies. Some of Trump’s minions view our social safety nets as unfair competition.

It is likely that even larger waves of refugees from the United States will cross our borders.

What policies should be put in place in this new context?

Do we have the right leaders to face this Trumpist hurricane?

The political disorganization and lack of leadership of the Trudeau government are such that it is feared that no plan is being developed in Ottawa.

The Quebec government doesn’t seem much further along either.



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