Blow above the rest during the Festi’ Bahuts musical springboard in Alençon


Nicolas Plommee

Published on

May 31, 2024 at 6:50 a.m.

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The jury may change from one year to the next, but in the end it is always Blow who wins Festi’ Bahuts. This will no longer be the case next year since it free musical springboard is organized by high school students to present groups of high school students and that a priori, the four members of Blow currently all in their final year will then be students.

Festi’Bahuts is quite an organization! ©L’Orne hebdo

Élise Valognes, Ivana Varjavic, Léna Dal and César Chabaud played two new compositions, an older one and a cover by the Belgian group Ghinzu (to find out which song, please ask Florent from the Médiathèque Aveline, one of the members of the jury) on the large stage of the La Luciole concert hall at the conclusion of an afternoon unfortunately disrupted by the rain outside.

The rain unfortunately disrupted the welcome in the community village on the square. ©L’Orne hebdo

The attendance at the association stands on the square was inevitably affected.

The public, fewer in number than last year, still responded. ©L’Orne hebdo

More generally, attendance has stalled, with 230 spectators compared to 370 last year, despite activities in the smaller club room, including a magic demonstration.

Volunteers offered a low-cost catering area. ©L’Orne hebdo

Especially Festi’Bahuts, despite the combined efforts of Mélusine, Clovis, Edgar, all 16 years old, and Oscar 15 years old, its four organizers all general first year students at the Leclerc-Navarre high school and her at the Alain high school, had difficulty presenting three groups.

Oscar, Edgar, Clovis and Mélusine were the organizers of the 2024 edition of Festi’Bahuts. She and the twins also performed with Will o’ the Wisp. ©L’Orne hebdo

Blow is already preparing his first album

The first, the trio Burning Flame, with a young girl on keyboards, a singer and the already mentioned Mélusine, capable of playing keyboards as well as guitar, also singing, beyond a timid attempt at French, seemed discover yourself in concert. Conversely, competition for Blow came from Will o’ the Wisp, with Mélusine again and again on vocals, Luisa between bass and guitar, the Clovis twins on guitar and Edgar, between bass and guitar alternating with Luisa, and Nino on the drums.

Videos: currently on -
Will o’ the Wisp remains a promising band. ©L’Orne hebdo

Will o’ the wisp has arguments to make, but Blow, the last group to play, impressed the public and the professionals alike.

Élise Valognes on vocals and sometimes on violin, Léna Dal on keyboards, Ivana Varjavic now on bass continue to harmonize their voices in unison, well accompanied by César Chabaud on guitar, but the ensemble can now claim to opening acts for recognized artists.

Blow is starting to know this scene from The Firefly quite well. ©L’Orne hebdo

Blow, who won the right to perform at the start of the school year at L’Intro Festive de La Luciole, which also offers a rehearsal package, as at the Médiathèque Aveline, is currently recording his first album in the home studio of his guitarist César Chabaud for release it by the end of the year.

Until then, Blow will be in concert on Saturday 1er June at the Arçonnay Communal Festival (Sarthe) and return on Saturday August 24 to the Alençon Talbot Machine festival in La Chapelmêle after having already played there during the inaugural edition last year.

Blow Saturday June 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fête commune d’Arçonnay (Sarthe) and at La Chapelmêle in Alençon as part of the 2nd Talbot Machine festival.

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