In Eure, a landscaper presents thousands of pottery during her exhibition and sale


Isabelle Lawson

Published on

May 30, 2024 at 5:22 p.m.

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Agathe Fortinlandscaper, is organizing the 7th edition of his exhibition-salehas Gamaches-en-Vexin (Eure), of Friday May 31 to Monday June 3, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. On a surface of more than 1,000 m2 outdoors and indoors, it’s all pottery collection which she exposes.

Large pottery

At the dawn of her 60th birthday, Agathe Fortin has always been immersed in commerce and artistic creation using plants. Passionate about nature and a landscaper for ten years, she installs her creations outside, in particular her collection of large pottery. Ceramic and terracotta pots and vases suitable for gardens.

Some objects from the landscaper, exhibited outdoors. ©L’Impartial

Vietnam and Morocco

If the landscaper makes her own objects, she also hunts around a lot. “With what I find, I like to divert objects from their purpose. But I do it too. »

She has zellige (glazed terracotta) tables and rugs made by a Moroccan craft cooperative.

Also passionate about Asian pottery, she does not hesitate to regularly travel to Vietnam to find objects not yet in her collection or to be inspired by their creation.

“What I like about Vietnamese pottery is that it is not frost-proof (it does not freeze) and their work with terracotta with eggshells is impressive”

Agathe Fortin, landscaper

Three exhibitors

Part of the exhibition will take place indoors where handcrafted tableware and decorations will be presented to the public.

Videos: currently on -
Tableware and decoration for interior design. ©L’Impartial

Alongside Agathe Fortin’s creations, three other stands will also exhibit their know-how. Victoria, floral designer, will show off her plants and flowers. Sindy, artisan wax maker, will present her artisanal candles and finally Laura will have a stand selling flea market and decorative objects.

Arranged by theme and color, hundreds, if not thousands, of objects will be available to the public during these four days.

Exhibition and sale by landscaper Agathe Fortin, from Friday May 31 to Monday June 3, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 9, rue de la Messe in Gamaches-en-Vexin.

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